All The Single Girlfriends Celebrates First Year in Business on Valentine’s Day, an online community for women over age 40, celebrates its first anniversary on February 14, 2012. The site is written by single women over 40 for their peers to help them share life issue stories, connect with each other and care the way real girlfriends do. The site draws attention to this powerful demographic that is often overlooked by advertisers.

Atlanta, GA, February 16, 2012 --( Single women over age 40 are the most overlooked population segment, yet they represent the largest living demographic and, in the U.S. at least, control most of the money. Passed over by advertisers, employers and men, unmarried women beyond the age of forty are catching on that they have a lot of power. The website called “All The Single Girlfriends (,” which celebrates its first anniversary today, has helped women realize their strengths while engaging in a digital format of communications.

“Last year we started out with the vision to show the world that after the “big 4-0 birthday' women are still fabulous,” said Toby Bloomberg, founding girlfriend of All The Single Girlfriends. “Our content proves that we are.”

All The Single Girlfriends (ATSGF) presents all original content written by women for women. Most of the bloggers live in the United States, but one lives as far away as The Philippines. Currently, the site has 26 women over the age of 40 who write on a broad range of topics, including travel, food, healthcare, entertainment, politics, the “sandwich generation,” love, romance, sex and whatever else girlfriends talk about among themselves. The site provides a diversity of opinion and lifestyle that is expressed in posts, videos and photos which reinforce that there are many ways to “be single.”

In celebration of its one-year anniversary, All The Single Girlfriends features a video that covers comments by the site’s various writers about the significance of being a girlfriend and how ATSGF impacted their lives this past year. One of the site’s most prolific writers, Marianne Richmond, produced the video.

Other celebratory content that honors single girlfriends 40+ includes a Valentine Day podcast that dishes it up with girlfriend-to-girlfriend talk. Women who wish to join the call tonight, February 14, at 7 p.m. EST, should dial the number: 724. 444.7444, Call ID 97682 or join the call online at

“Girlfriends are the people you can call in the middle of the night if you need help, who are thrilled by your good news, or who stands by you during the bad times,” said contributing Girlfriend B.L. Ochman, owner of the successful What’s Next Blog. “They’re the ones you can you can fall on the floor laughing with over a joke that no one else would get. And they are the ones you can cry with a sad movie and then laughs at how sill you look with mascara running down your face.”

All single women and those “single in spirit” aged 40+ are invited to join in the celebration by commenting on a post that speaks to her, sharing the site with another girlfriend, subscribing to the ATSGF newsletter, or signing up to become an ATSGF writer, videographer, artist, designer or sponsor. Visit the site for more information or email Bloomberg at

All The Single Girlfriends
Maggie Buerger