Mental Illness, Suicide, and a Parents Struggle Are Discussed in the Book, I Still Believe

Author, Desiree Woodland, is pleased to announce her book, I Still Believe. This memoir is the story of a parent’s worst nightmare; the suicide of a child.

Albuquerque, NM, February 18, 2012 --( I Still Believe chronicles the slow painful process of learning about the mental illness that killed Desiree’s son, Ryan. Through the chaos of trying to find meaning in her son’s death, she found a way to sift through the remnants of a shattered faith and find God.

According to the Foundation for Suicide Prevention, every sixteen minutes someone in America dies by suicide. There were more suicide deaths of young Americans in 1995 than deaths from cancer, heart disease, AIDS, birth defects, stroke, pneumonia, influenza and lung disease combined. In 2010, it was still the third leading cause of death of young people ages 15-24. Studies suggest that the great majority of them suffered from a diagnosable mental illness, and that most of them received either no treatment or inadequate treatment.

Desiree’s son, Ryan, suffered from mental illness, that neither he nor his family understood, that did not respond to treatment, and resulted in his death. The scar across his family’s hearts is still open, reminding them that learning to live without him is the work of a lifetime. They are forced to face what they cannot see. The act of writing became a spiritual journey for Desiree, to probe the beauty within the darkness, to seek understanding in mystery and to believe once again in life after death.

Desiree says, "There are no pat answers or guide books through such sorrow, and those left behind can only feel their way through the darkness. It is my prayer that I Still Believe will not only educate parents, therapists and individuals about mental illness and suicide, but will also provide families with the courage to allow God to transform their pain into hope."

Book Information:
I Still Believe
Author: Desiree Woodland
Publisher: Xlibris
ISBN: 9781456853563 (sc)
9781456853570 (hc)
Pages: 137
Published: January 2011

About The Author
Desiree Woodland and her husband Gary live in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Ryan will always live in their hearts, while their daughter and amazing son-in-law live in Portland, Oregon with two grand dogs. Retired after seventeen years of teaching, she continues to tutor students, provide support for her mother with Alzheimer’s and is pursuing education in the grief and loss field. This is sacred work that honors Ryan. She also uses every opportunity to speak up about the stigma of mental illness and suicide, and supports the Albuquerque - NAMI and Survivors of Suicide groups.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Desiree Woodland

I Still Believe is available for purchase online through the author's website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram or Spring Arbor for wholesale orders.

Desiree Woodland