New Book Provides Insights from the Spiritual World - Destiny, Karma, Spirituality, And Humanity

A new release from author Garry Gilfoy hits the mark for people with deeper life questions. In The Big Picture, author Garry Gilfoy discloses his own spiritual experiences and also tells the stories of others.

San Francisco, CA, February 22, 2012 --( Built around the extraordinary stories of seven people who have been unwitting visitors to the spiritual world, "The BIG Picture — Insights from the Spiritual World" examines the themes of reincarnation, the relationship between karma and destiny, the divide between religion and spirituality, humanity's task in creation, and the emergence of a new Western spirituality to lead us into the next stage of the evolution of consciousness.

In The Big Picture, author Garry Gilfoy discloses his own spiritual experiences and also tells the stories of others: such as Joy, who was sent back from the realm of spirit without her husband after a horrific crash; Trish, who "died" numerous times before learning to visit her cosmic classroom at will; Helen, who relived a holocaust nightmare before her eyes opened onto ancient Egypt; and Keely, who was miraculously saved by a familiar figure, the Watcher.

Readers will discover a new lens through which to view the world.

Book Information:
The Big Picture: Insights from the Spiritual World
Author: Garry Gilfoy
Publisher: iUniverse
ISBN: 978-1-46207-107-4
Pages: 192
Published: January 2012

About The Author
Garry Gilfoy was raised in Nova Scotia and lives in the Adelaide Hills of South Australia where he trains therapists. His mother's gift of second-sight led him to an early search to understand the invisible world, confirmed later by his own powerful spiritual experiences. He combines his pursuit of mysticism with formal studies of Theology and Psychology to provide an insightful, integrated approach to spiritual psychology.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Garry Gilfoy

The Big Picture is available for purchase online through the author's website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

Garry Gilfoy