Michigan Author Announces Book About Substance Abuse, Addiction, and Christianity

Author, Theresa Lilly is pleased to announce her book, Addiction of a Loved One. This book aims to help readers overcome addiction through God.

Detroit, MI, February 24, 2012 --(PR.com)-- Addiction of a Loved One is a Christian based, informative reading, based on the truth of God's words and his ways to receive the healing that only he can provide to the family members and their addicted loved one's from the bondage of addiction to substance abuse.

Readers will come to understand that no matter who they are, they have the faith, ability and benefits of God’s grace, mercy and goodness to restore their lives and the life of their loved one.

This book gives the solid foundation that is necessary for the recovery process to begin and the encouragement and comfort that only God can give.

Book Information:
Addiction of a Loved One
Author: Theresa Lilly
Publisher: Tate Publishing
ISBN: 978-1-61663-214-4
Pages: 116
Published: June 2011

About The Author
Theresa Lilly, born in Detroit, Michigan, now resides in the small community of Plymouth, Michigan with her husband Richard. Her family attends The Living Rock Church in Romulus. Theresa works for a local hospital in their in-house print shop and Richard works for a large printing company in their hometown. Together they enjoy the outdoors and photography. Theresa lives everyday now with the Joy that God has provided with his grace.

But life was not always this bright before she turned her life over to God. She lived in a world of darkness, a prisoner in this world, held in bondage by substance abuse in many factors, hatred, fear, un-forgiveness, sin, hurting and hopeless. Seeing not only her life but so many others being destroyed. But she never gave up, because God never gave up. And she has a message to every person who will listen: God never gives up on anyone. There is hope and God is that hope and he is the only source of every need anyone shall ever have.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Theresa Lilly
Email: scripturesthroughthelens@wowway.com
Website: http://addiction.tateauthor.com

Addiction of a Loved One is available for purchase online through the author’s website, from the publisher, Amazon.com, BN.com and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.

Author, Theresa Lilly