Larry Ivkovich, Author of the Urban Fantasy, The Sixth Precept, to Attend the Steel City Con at the Monroeville Convention Center in Monroeville, PA. on March 2 - 4

Coraopolis, PA, February 24, 2012 --( Larry Ivkovich will be attending the Steel City Con in Monroeville, PA. (Monroeville Convention Center) on the weekend of March 2 - 4 to promote and sell his urban fantasy, The Sixth Precept.

The Sixth Precept takes place in contemporary Pittsburgh and medieval Japan of the 16th century. It follows the adventures of Kim Yoshima, a Japanese-American police officer from Pittsburgh as she tries to prevent an evil from out of the ancient past from destroying the future. Please access the accompanying link below to see Larry's book trailer on YouTube.

Guests at the con include Anthony Daniels, Billy Dee and Corey Dee Williams, Butch Patrick and Gina Lee Nolin.

Larry Ivkovich