Charity Film Screening - Help Support Women's Rights in Afghanistan
The AfghanFem FMF action team is holding a benefit film screening of Meena Nanji's acclaimed documentary "View from a Grain of Sand." All proceeds go to the Feminist Majority Foundation's Campaign for Afghan Women & Girls. Seats are limited. Tickets can be purchased on the AfghanFem webpage -
Washington, DC, May 21, 2007 --( The Afghan Fem action team is holding a benefit screening of Meena Nanji’s acclaimed documentary, "View from a Grain of Sand," Saturday June 2, 2007 at The Potter’s House is Adams Morgan. All proceeds to benefit the Feminist Majority Foundation’s Campaign for Afghan Women & Girls.
By weaving the stories of three Afghan women refugees with rare 1970’s archival footage, Ms. Nanji recounts the past 30 years of women’s rights in Afghanistan and exposes the continuing struggle for rights since the fall of the Taliban. Discussion will follow the screening.
Saturday June 2, 2007
7:00 - 10:00pm
Venue: The Potter's House
1658 Columbia Road NW
Washington DC 20009
Tickets Available at:
Suggested Donation: $8.00 pp
Contact: Renee Santoro
The AfghanFem Story: "A few months back I saw the documentary Unveiling Afghanistan for the first time. The movie had a profound effect on me. For the first time, I realized how incredibly indebted I am to the suffragists who faced ridicule, physical assault, and imprisonment in order for me to have the basic rights I so often take for granted today. My and every modern woman's successes, knowledge, and positions of power are in large part due to the avid support of those who came before us, believed in us, and fought for us without ever even knowing who we are or were to become. Having gained so much, we now have the opportunity to support and believe in the struggles of other women around the globe.
"This is why I've created this web page. As a recent graduate, my personal finances may not be able to accomplish much, but I believe strongly in the power of group action. Therefore, I have committed to creating an FMF action team. From April 2007 to the August 26th anniversary of the signing of the 19th Amendment, I hope to raise funds to provide medical and school supplies to Afghan women and children. 100% of the funds will go to the Feminist Majority Foundation to assist their Campaign for Afghan Women & Girls. If successful, I hope to continue this page by dedicating funds to a different women's rights cause in various countries each year."
R Santoro
Founder of AfghanFem
By weaving the stories of three Afghan women refugees with rare 1970’s archival footage, Ms. Nanji recounts the past 30 years of women’s rights in Afghanistan and exposes the continuing struggle for rights since the fall of the Taliban. Discussion will follow the screening.
Saturday June 2, 2007
7:00 - 10:00pm
Venue: The Potter's House
1658 Columbia Road NW
Washington DC 20009
Tickets Available at:
Suggested Donation: $8.00 pp
Contact: Renee Santoro
The AfghanFem Story: "A few months back I saw the documentary Unveiling Afghanistan for the first time. The movie had a profound effect on me. For the first time, I realized how incredibly indebted I am to the suffragists who faced ridicule, physical assault, and imprisonment in order for me to have the basic rights I so often take for granted today. My and every modern woman's successes, knowledge, and positions of power are in large part due to the avid support of those who came before us, believed in us, and fought for us without ever even knowing who we are or were to become. Having gained so much, we now have the opportunity to support and believe in the struggles of other women around the globe.
"This is why I've created this web page. As a recent graduate, my personal finances may not be able to accomplish much, but I believe strongly in the power of group action. Therefore, I have committed to creating an FMF action team. From April 2007 to the August 26th anniversary of the signing of the 19th Amendment, I hope to raise funds to provide medical and school supplies to Afghan women and children. 100% of the funds will go to the Feminist Majority Foundation to assist their Campaign for Afghan Women & Girls. If successful, I hope to continue this page by dedicating funds to a different women's rights cause in various countries each year."
R Santoro
Founder of AfghanFem
Renee Santoro
Renee Santoro
