RMCN Credit Services, Inc.

RMCN Meeting with 35 NFL Players

Daryl Booth and Doug Parker meet with over 35 NFL Players to educate them on the importance of credit.

McKinney, TX, May 21, 2007 --(PR.com)-- On 5/18/07 Jordan Woy & Associates hosted an event in Las Vegas Nevada for over thirty five NFL Players. There were event sponsors from the Oil and Gas industry as well as Credit Restoration and Investing in Life Settlements.

Jordan wants to make sure that the money that the players earn during their career last a life time. Many athletes careers only last three to four years. While they make a signifigant amout of money during those years, he wants to make sure that they are wise with their money.

Doug Parker, the founder and CEO of RMCN Credit Services, Inc. was invited explain the importance of having good credit. The effects of bad credit can cost these players hundreds of thousands of dollars, if not millions! Some can save thousands of dollars on just their mortgage with improved credit. Mr. Parker explained that a 1% increase on a thirty year mortgage is equal to 25% of the amount financed over the term of the loan. So if you have a 1,000,000.00 loan amout, the difference between a 7% and an 8% loan would save you 250,000.00 over the thirty year mortgage.

RMCN Credit Services, Inc.
Doug Parker