Joint Venture Between Big Ben Parliament Creations and Water Works Industry Solutions on 33 Educational iBooks

Big Ben Parliament Creations (BBP Creations) has partnered with Water Works Industry Solutions (WWIS) to create 33 educational iBooks for the waterworks industry.

Reno, NV, March 02, 2012 --( A joint venture has been established between both companies for this project. WWIS currently sells 33 different training DVDs for the waterworks industry focusing on underground water and sewer pipe installations. “We felt that this was a great opportunity to advance our training into easier, more affordable and globally accessible apps with the new iBook 2,” stated Nicholas Reviglio, co-owner of WWIS. “This joint venture is exciting for our company as it will allow us to reach more people with our educational series. This isn’t just for waterworks operators. Our training shows how to fix problems that you can have in your own backyard.”

BBP Creations will be releasing the first iBook of the series, “Mechanical Joint Installation for Ductile Iron Pipe,” in April 2012. “We will be releasing one iBook a month with WWIS, the first few being the most requested trainings,” stated Aurelia Goodfellow, Head of Marketing for BBP Creations. “This partnership has allowed us to expand into the new iBook 2 educational format. These are great training resources for everyone especially when a natural disaster hits and water pipes need to be repaired quickly. These iBooks will showcase the training that WWIS has prepared in a hands on approach that anyone can understand and use in an emergency situation, anywhere in the world. What better way to do that than on an iPad.”

With the new iBook 2, each book will contain prerequisites, definitions, the common use of that particular training, the main training installation video, a 3D animated video review, the video transcripts, multiple choice review with video and a glossary. “We have offered our training on DVDs since 2006, but were limited to the countries outside of the USA that we could ship to affordably. With the iPad, we can be 100% global and everyone who owns an iPad can purchase our training and within seconds have it available for a job site or for classroom training,” stated Reviglio.

For the last 3 years, BBP Creations has developed in-house applications for the iPhone, iPad and thumb drives for large corporations. They are known for their quality apps, creativity and thorough testing to create flawless applications.

For more information on BBP Creations or their latest iPhone and iPad releases, visit their website at or you can follow them on Facebook or Twitter.

Big Ben Parliament Creations
Aurelia Goodfellow
775-827-2463 ext 221