Bishop Charles H. Ellis III Announces the Pastors & Church Leaders Conference May 2-4, 2012 at Greater Grace Temple in Detroit, MI
Bishop Paul Morton and Bishop Noel Jones are guest speakers at the event which drew more than 2500 pastors & church workers to Greater GraceTemple last year to learn about 21st century ministry. Another big crowd is expected in 2012.
Detroit, MI, March 07, 2012 --( The message is the same but the methods have changed. How about having a pastor literally flying “above the stage” as he preaches in a theatrical presentation…or…having a car show and gospel fest rolled into one. Well, more than 2,500 pastors, ministers, and church staff workers from across the U.S., and several foreign countries joined Bishop Charles H. Ellis III and Greater Grace Temple in 2011 to learn about that and more. An even bigger crowd is projected this year. They will come to learn about innovative 21st Century ministry at the church’s 13th annual “Pastors and Church Leaders Conference,” May 2-4th, 2012.
”The fact is that we cannot effectively minister to an Ipad generation with an '8-track tape mentality,'” says GGT Senior Pastor, Bishop Charles H. Ellis III. Greater Grace, a pentecostal church, is considered a leader in the area of establishing corporate partnerships, and creative approaches toward community outreach. Bishop Ellis is also the Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW), the world’s oldest Apostolic Pentecostal organization.
The event consists of seminars and workshops on how to operate various ministries and take the reach of the church beyond its walls into the community. Topics include outreaches, church administration, church marketing, TV ministry, children’s ministry and much more. Greater Grace currently has more than 250 ministries. In addition, there will be a luncheon question and answer session with Bishop ElIis and First Lady Crisette Ellis.
Some of the nation’s best known pastors will minister each evening at 7:00 p.m. Bishop Paul S. Morton of Atlanta, GA will be the opening speaker on Wed. (5/2). He is the founding Presiding Bishop of one of the fastest growing movements in America - The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. Meanwhile Bishop Noel Jones of Los Angeles, CA, a nationally-known speaker, speaks on Fri. (5/4).
On Thursday, (5/3) the delegates will learn about the creative use of drama as ministry as Greater Grace presents its acclaimed, “Burying My Past!” stage presentation. It’s a powerful dramatic presentation featuring believers “symbolically” burying their past in a real casket laid at the altar.
Registration is not required to attend the evening services. They are free and open to everyone. Pre- registration information for the ministry workshops is only $100 for a group of “any size” from any single church until March 31. For information, call 313-543-6000 or visit Greater Grace Temple, is located at 23500 W. Seven Mile Road in Detroit, MI
”The fact is that we cannot effectively minister to an Ipad generation with an '8-track tape mentality,'” says GGT Senior Pastor, Bishop Charles H. Ellis III. Greater Grace, a pentecostal church, is considered a leader in the area of establishing corporate partnerships, and creative approaches toward community outreach. Bishop Ellis is also the Presiding Bishop of the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World (PAW), the world’s oldest Apostolic Pentecostal organization.
The event consists of seminars and workshops on how to operate various ministries and take the reach of the church beyond its walls into the community. Topics include outreaches, church administration, church marketing, TV ministry, children’s ministry and much more. Greater Grace currently has more than 250 ministries. In addition, there will be a luncheon question and answer session with Bishop ElIis and First Lady Crisette Ellis.
Some of the nation’s best known pastors will minister each evening at 7:00 p.m. Bishop Paul S. Morton of Atlanta, GA will be the opening speaker on Wed. (5/2). He is the founding Presiding Bishop of one of the fastest growing movements in America - The Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship International. Meanwhile Bishop Noel Jones of Los Angeles, CA, a nationally-known speaker, speaks on Fri. (5/4).
On Thursday, (5/3) the delegates will learn about the creative use of drama as ministry as Greater Grace presents its acclaimed, “Burying My Past!” stage presentation. It’s a powerful dramatic presentation featuring believers “symbolically” burying their past in a real casket laid at the altar.
Registration is not required to attend the evening services. They are free and open to everyone. Pre- registration information for the ministry workshops is only $100 for a group of “any size” from any single church until March 31. For information, call 313-543-6000 or visit Greater Grace Temple, is located at 23500 W. Seven Mile Road in Detroit, MI
Greater Grace Temple
Melvin Epps
Melvin Epps
