One Year After the Great East Japan Earthquake – Sompo Japan Continues Support for Disaster Areas

Tokyo, Japan, March 09, 2012 --( Nearly a year has passed, since a massive magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami hit Japan. 15,848 people were killed and 3,305 are still listed as missing. Japanese society still needs long term support for its recovery (the Japanese government estimates that the cost of material damage could reach as much as $300 billion).

Soon after the earthquake, Sompo Japan started offering assistance for disaster areas by collecting donations, and offering material and human support, as well as support for agricultural producers, and launching a support site for automobile repair shops in the area, and so on.

To continue this support, the NKSJ Group organized NKSJ Volunteer Days from October through December 2011 and encouraged all Group employees to participate in the activities. Around 60 activities were held across Japan, and more than 10,000 employees participated. (This project received Honorable Mention at the Third Make a CHANGE Day Awards.)

Sompo Japan and its parent company NKSJ plan to continue their assistance for the disaster areas.

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About Sompo Japan
Sompo Japan is a major Japanese insurer, with 120 years of history. It has been taking a proactive approach to various sustainability issues through its core business. Examples include “Weather Index Insurance” for Thai farmers and microinsurance in India as well as environmental, educational, and medical programs, and other kinds of CSR activities.

For more on Sompo Japan’s CSR activities, please refer to its CSR report:

Sompo Japan Insurance Inc.
Ai Goto