NLAPW Branch Out, Celebrate the Sound of Music

Combing symbols of the Centennial Cherry Blossom Festival with sounds of music, National League of American Pen Women (NLAPW) host array of festival celebration musical events.

Washington, DC, March 27, 2012 --( Well-known for their nation-wide creative arts activities, the National League of American Pen Women (NLAPW) challenge those who participate in the centennial Cherry Blossom Festival to "branch out" – attend events such as their open to the public sessions, April 20th noon concert, 8:00 p.m. evening concert held at L’Enfant Plaza Hotel in Washington DC, or April 21st Music Luncheon concert.

NLAPW Branch Out Through Musical Events
Sponsored by professional women who present original compositions or original creative arrangements that have been professionally published or performed in a public forum, on Friday‚ April 20, 2012, noon during the Art Luncheon Judy Bingman, saxophone, and Elizabeth Lauer, piano provide a concert. From 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM an Evening Concert consists of opening, An-Ming Wang arrangement of Japanese song, “Sakura,” for either voice or solo instrument to commemorate the Cherry Blossom Festival and Elise Mulliken - Margaret Mills performing Improvisations, OP. 148 (1938) by Amy Beach, (1867-1944) and Lagrimasy Locuras,”Mapping the Mind of a Madwoman” (20ll) by Joelle Wallach (b. 1946), Nancy Deussen playing and accompanying Debbie Lawrence in three songs for soprano and piano, Linda Nash, performing original works, Marcia Preston, performing “Afterglow”, Leslie Bennet performing 3 songs based upon Emily Dickinson’s poetry, Grace Reid on piano, Aminta Konawicz on guitar. And, on April 21st 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Music Luncheon Renoir Room Elizabeth Lauer will perform her award-winning composition, “Carousel” 12. For those interested in additional opportunities, visit option music events.

Branching Out – 2012 Biennial Convention
Featuring poet laureate poetry readings, music concerts, a national juried art exhibit, awards presentations, tour of the Pen Arts building, and creative arts workshops such as Making of the Documentary on the Peace Tapestry, the convention is open to the public. Students, novices and professionals explore niche creative arts while celebrating a centennial event. Visit the Library of Congress, experience breath-taking views of DC’s cherry blossoms while cruising on the Potomac or explore a juried art exhibit at the Charles Sumner museum. For details of registration, visit web site option, Biennial Convention - .

National League of American Pen Women
Founded in 1897, the NLAPW is a recipient of the Literary Hall of Fame Award in recognition for their contribution to the cultural life of the United States and the George Washington Honor Medal sponsored by the Freedoms Foundation at Valley Forge for their collaborative effort to promote an understanding and appreciation of America’s rich heritage and unique freedoms. Consisting of more than 100 branches located throughout the United States, membership is comprised of three comprehensive classifications: Letters, Art, and Music. For details, visit web site or contact the national headquarters by email at, by phone at 202-785-1997, or by mail at NLAPW, 1300 Seventeenth St., N.W., Washington, D.C. 20036-1973. Or, follow League activities through face-book group National League of American Pen Women or Twitter ID NLAPW or link to ‘YouTube’ NLAPW,

National League of American Pen Women, Linking Creative Women Since 1897

Side-bar: NLAPW Biennial Convention, April 19th - 21st, L’Enfant Plaza Hotel, Washington DC, admission fees vary depending on event - Friday‚ April 20, 2012, 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Art Luncheon concert and 8:00 PM to 9:00 PM Evening Concert, April 21st 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM Music Luncheon Renoir Room. For details, visit or call 202-785-1997.
National League of American Pen Women
Sylvia Hoehns Wright