Lana Jordain Announces That Her Novel, "Ready? Set...Fly!" Has Been Published and is Available for Purchase

An announcement of the release of Lana Jordain's novel, "Ready? Set...Fly!"

Thornton, CO, March 31, 2012 --( Russian born Lana Jordain has not always been the successful author she is today. It was never her intention to write at all, but events in her life inspired her to tell the story she created in Ready? Set...Fly.

She refers to Ready? Set...Fly as “A Confession of a Survivor of a Mid-life Crisis.” She is now in her mid-forties and, at one point, realized she may have hit a dead end in her life, as if life was passing her by. Lana describes her novel as having many twists and turns, which may seem difficult to imagine because the situations came from nowhere and were completely unexpected. “This story is about my moment of self-discovery, where I found my real identity. As it turns out, it's never too late to find yourself,” states the international author.

In reality, it only took a couple of weeks to write Ready? Set...Fly. However, Lana Jordain had been unknowingly preparing for this book most of her adult life. The scenes played themselves out without her even knowing it. Although she has no plans to write another book, she isn't saying no because life has a way of throwing something your way you never expect and a real, touching story can come from it which you never expected.

Now that Ready? Set...Fly is completed and published on Amazon, Lana is looking forward reading the reviews. With a story like this, readers are sure to find something that clicks with them and speaks to their soul. She isn't adverse to criticism, either. Any feedback, she says, is positive feedback, no matter the words because even harsh words shed a light on better things. In the meantime, Lana is content to travel and promote her book and spend a great deal of time at her piano to find her creativity there.

Lana Jordain grew up in Russia and went to one of the oldest universities in St. Petersburg where she received her Masters Degree in Economics. At the start of the 1990s, Lana immigrated to the United States and spent 14 years in New York.

In October of 2007, Lana left the United States and moved to London. Her plans to stay were interrupted by a world crisis.

Lana's return to the United States was very complicated and it took her 3 years to finally return. By the end of November of 2010, Lana returned to the U.S. and now lives in Los Angeles, California.

About Ready? Set...Fly
Ready? Set...Fly! is about learning to find happiness and self-discovery at any point in your life. After leaving a horrible marriage to a man who was continuously holding her back, Lana realized it was time to move forward and find a path in life that truly spoke to her soul. After much searching, and nearly giving up, she finally found that her life was already full. She was happy and she had discovered what it was like to “fly.”

Excerpt from Ready? Set...Fly!
"Everything in life is subjective: The same way nobody can force you to to do something you don't want to do, nothing you read in your life will interest you, especially if it doesn't resonate with your personal life perception. You may begin reading a book, but leave it unfinished because there is nothing that pertains to you there. The whole world circulates around our ego center, whether we want it to or not."

Are you still intrigued and continuing to smile?

"Check it out for yourself, there is a message for everyone here. I don't feel that it is fair to keep it to myself! And it doesn't matter if you are a man or a woman, all the better if you are a man: my heart goes out to you because a woman throws all her worries on whomever will listen to her hardships, while a man keeps them deep inside and cuts his life short. Read it, feel it, cry together with me, talk to me! I will be happy to make perhaps a slight, but but still, a difference in your life. I am here for you!" - Lana Jordain

Lana Jordain's novel can be found at Amazon in both e-book form and paperback. Lana can also be found on Facebook. Currently, Lana is traveling to promote Ready? Set...Fly!

Amazon e-book Link:

Amazon paperback Link:

Lana Jordain's Facebook Page:
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Shelly Meyer
Official PR company for Lana Jordain.