New Memoir Details One Man’s Life with Christ

Author, Darnell L. Sherman is pleased to announce the release of his new book, Arcangel808: My Struggle to Know and Serve Jesus Christ. It is Darnell’s personal account of his relationship with Jesus Christ, and his endeavor to follow the teachings of Christ in a fallen world.

Fullerton, CA, April 01, 2012 --( Darnell knows he is no angel, yet he feels estranged from the world he was born into; similar to an angel visiting a planet he is not from. Jesus Christ stated: “If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” John 15:19. The number 808 is the police code for “disturbing the peace.” Jesus Christ disturbed the so called peace of his day with the only truth that really matters. In a nihilistic age of political correctness and moral decay; Arcangel808: My Struggle to Know and Serve Jesus Christ looks to disturb a fallacious peace with the truth of the Word of God. Darnell’s message; the wrath of God is nigh and will be visited upon this planet; Jesus Christ is our only salvation.

Despite a humanistic education and the lure of a society lauding hedonism and rationalism as a panacea for humanity’s problems; Darnell realized the only cure for what ails humanity is Jesus Christ. This is Darnell’s personal testimony to the world, of how pride, peer-pressure and the paganistic zeitgeist of the times tempts him to follow a path of immediate gratification instead of the more holy and healthy strait and narrow path Jesus Christ spoke of. Darnell displays his flaws as a Christian, and how repentance plays a role in his everyday life.

Book Information:

Arcangel808: My Struggle to Know and Serve Jesus Christ
Author: Darnell L. Sherman
Publisher: Westbow Press
ISBN: 978-1449724245
Pages: 332
Published: February 2012

About The Author
Jesus Christ has made the difference in Darnell's life. Darnell was born and raised in Los Angeles, California. Jesus Christ shepherd Darnell through adolescence wrought with an absent and abusive father and suicidal ideations. Darnell studied psychology in college and continues to work with victims of emotional and physical trauma.

For more information, review copies, or interviews you may contact:

Michael Droll (Westbow Press) 1-866-928-1240

Arangel808 is available for purchase online through the author’s website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.
Darnell L. Sherman