Explains the Marketing Death of Twitter Direct Message
The direct message feature at Twitter is a powerful direct communication tool. Unfortunately, the abuse of spammers caused the de facto death of this function as a marketing tool. has released a free guide explaining how this function works and how spammers killed it.
Bellevue, WA, April 03, 2012 --( Parasites do not just exist in the natural world. Parasites exist also in online marketing. Take a powerful new website or new communication platform that has a lot of traffic and has a large audience, inevitably there would be a shady marketer that would use it to their advantage to send unsolicited commercial messages. This happens in chat rooms, e-mail systems, forums and any other open online communication platform that has much traffic.
Abuse of direct message system
This is a fact of life online. New systems have to guard against being gamed or being a host to parasites. These parasites take from the system, but they do not contribute anything back. Many systems now at least require some participation or some content from members before they can take benefits. However, success rates vary and some outright fail. analyzes how parasitic spammer behavior has rendered the direct message function of Twitter useless to many Twitter members. Read the guide to get a clear idea of how the direct message system works and how it is being abused. The guide also explains its marketing value. The guide is located at
Responsible direct message use
"The direct message system is actually a very powerful marketing tool. However, its value has been crippled by spammers," said Oliver Thompson, media relations officer for, the internet's leading authority site for consumer and technology reviews and guides. The direct message function allows for a crucial coordination between members of a Twitter. It is also an excellent notification system for responsible users.
Simply put, all of Twitter's functions can yield a lot of positive results for both the senders of messages and the receivers of messages. It can be a hot bed of meaningful exchange and commercial activity. Unfortunately, parasitic behavior by spammers has practically destroyed some aspects of their Twitter direct message system. "In the hands of a responsible and ethical marketer, the direct message function at Twitter can actually impact people's lives in a very meaningful way," said Thompson. lists out how the direct message function works, how it is abused and how to use it responsibly. There is still hope for both consumers and marketers on Twitter that are sick of irresponsible direct message use.
"Read our guide to get a big picture view of the issues involved and how you can actually profit from the direct message function, both as a consumer and as a marketer," said Thompson.
eReviewGuide is a highly respectable source of software reviews, guides, tips, resources and information online today. eReviewGuide also offers industry news and community forums apart from online reviews. This consumer guide aims to provide assistance to customers and users looking for software or online services, so they can make smart choices, whether in the matter of pre-sale or making actual purchases. Those who are planning to start blogging might be interested in our list of blog service reviews and may take a closer look at the review guide and consumer tips on the site. Now, buyers can easily check which products are best suited for their personal or individual needs, just by checking out reviews and information published on
Abuse of direct message system
This is a fact of life online. New systems have to guard against being gamed or being a host to parasites. These parasites take from the system, but they do not contribute anything back. Many systems now at least require some participation or some content from members before they can take benefits. However, success rates vary and some outright fail. analyzes how parasitic spammer behavior has rendered the direct message function of Twitter useless to many Twitter members. Read the guide to get a clear idea of how the direct message system works and how it is being abused. The guide also explains its marketing value. The guide is located at
Responsible direct message use
"The direct message system is actually a very powerful marketing tool. However, its value has been crippled by spammers," said Oliver Thompson, media relations officer for, the internet's leading authority site for consumer and technology reviews and guides. The direct message function allows for a crucial coordination between members of a Twitter. It is also an excellent notification system for responsible users.
Simply put, all of Twitter's functions can yield a lot of positive results for both the senders of messages and the receivers of messages. It can be a hot bed of meaningful exchange and commercial activity. Unfortunately, parasitic behavior by spammers has practically destroyed some aspects of their Twitter direct message system. "In the hands of a responsible and ethical marketer, the direct message function at Twitter can actually impact people's lives in a very meaningful way," said Thompson. lists out how the direct message function works, how it is abused and how to use it responsibly. There is still hope for both consumers and marketers on Twitter that are sick of irresponsible direct message use.
"Read our guide to get a big picture view of the issues involved and how you can actually profit from the direct message function, both as a consumer and as a marketer," said Thompson.
eReviewGuide is a highly respectable source of software reviews, guides, tips, resources and information online today. eReviewGuide also offers industry news and community forums apart from online reviews. This consumer guide aims to provide assistance to customers and users looking for software or online services, so they can make smart choices, whether in the matter of pre-sale or making actual purchases. Those who are planning to start blogging might be interested in our list of blog service reviews and may take a closer look at the review guide and consumer tips on the site. Now, buyers can easily check which products are best suited for their personal or individual needs, just by checking out reviews and information published on
Oliver Thompson
Oliver Thompson
