Audio Democracy - The Future of Internet Music Reviews
Audio Democracy is the result of a few friends deciding that everyone, everywhere, no matter their resources, should be able to get their music reviewed in an open and honest manner.
Nottingham, United Kingdom, May 30, 2007 --( Audio Democracy (based at with an information site at has launched. The idea of an internet-based music review website is not a new one, but the people behind Audio Democracy believe that they can bring a new angle to it. Music magazines are constrained by physical space and can only review a few demos every issue, many websites only give reviews in varying degrees of positive because they want their traffic to come back again and again. Audio Democracy pledges to review anything and everything they receive, no matter what the origin, what the genre, what the recording quality, and to review it honestly. However, another part of the site’s purpose - the ‘Democracy’ part - is to ‘blur the lines between the critics and the audience’, so the website has features that are available to registered users to make the site and the reviewing process interactive.
- Registering is free.
- All music will be submitted electronically, to cut down on costs of burning CDs and postage for small bands/artists. This will also hopefully eliminate the carbon footprint of CDs, envelopes and mail delivery that would otherwise be sent to the site (a small contribution, but one that would add up over time).
- Any registered user can upload their music to be reviewed.
- One track from every release will be streamed, so visitors to the website will be able to listen to the music reviewed as they read.
- If the band or artist chooses they can flag that track to be downloadable for free. If they don’t want to, the track will remain stream-only.
- Any registered user can add their own comments to the original review and add their own rating to the original rating score, so tracks will end up with an average rating of what the Audio Democracy community thinks.
- Bands and artists will soon be able to list their upcoming gigs and shows, so people who have heard their music will be able to find out where they can see them live.
The reviewers at Audio Democracy cover a wide range of occupations, music genre preferences and experience including gigging in bands, promoting live bands, running clubnights, and working in the music service industry. All of them are giving up their free time to the website in the hope that one day, through this site, the release of a demo by a small punk band in Minneapolis or a 3-track EP by an indie quartet in Cornwall will have the opportunity to reach the same number of people as the latest records from Green Day or Hot Hot Heat.
- Registering is free.
- All music will be submitted electronically, to cut down on costs of burning CDs and postage for small bands/artists. This will also hopefully eliminate the carbon footprint of CDs, envelopes and mail delivery that would otherwise be sent to the site (a small contribution, but one that would add up over time).
- Any registered user can upload their music to be reviewed.
- One track from every release will be streamed, so visitors to the website will be able to listen to the music reviewed as they read.
- If the band or artist chooses they can flag that track to be downloadable for free. If they don’t want to, the track will remain stream-only.
- Any registered user can add their own comments to the original review and add their own rating to the original rating score, so tracks will end up with an average rating of what the Audio Democracy community thinks.
- Bands and artists will soon be able to list their upcoming gigs and shows, so people who have heard their music will be able to find out where they can see them live.
The reviewers at Audio Democracy cover a wide range of occupations, music genre preferences and experience including gigging in bands, promoting live bands, running clubnights, and working in the music service industry. All of them are giving up their free time to the website in the hope that one day, through this site, the release of a demo by a small punk band in Minneapolis or a 3-track EP by an indie quartet in Cornwall will have the opportunity to reach the same number of people as the latest records from Green Day or Hot Hot Heat.
Audio Democracy
Mike Brooks
+44 7736471161
Mike Brooks
+44 7736471161
