New Religious Thriller Unravels the Mystery of The Jesus Gospel

Author, Osman Kartal is pleased to announce the release of his new book, The Jesus Gospel.

New York, NY, April 25, 2012 --( Imagine if the Gospel of Jesus was actually written by none other than Jesus himself. Could the revelation of this all-too-crucial truth upend the world as we know it?

When British operative Frankie Karter unearths an ancient parchment that carries with it devastating international implications, it is up to him alone to protect this paper that holds such power that most are willing to kill for it.

It all comes to light in The Jesus Gospel, the spellbinding, searing religious thriller by Osman Kartal, which takes readers on an intricate, razor-sharp global adventure through a complex web of religious fervor, nationalistic agendas, craven murder, and the ultimate betrayal. It’s required reading for anyone who relishes a fast-paced, smart story with plenty of brilliant plot twists, and rigorously researched historic intrigue.

London-based Frankie Karter is a post-grad Sovietologist. When his Georgian grandmother summons him to her deathbed in Tbilisi, he goes at once. What’s more, he does so with the full support of MI6, for whom he is the most minor of operatives. In Georgia, he is given a 7th-century ring and the first part of an Egyptian papyrus, which begins, in Galilean Aramaic, “I Yeshua ben Josef Nazerine King of the Jews son of Mary of Galilee shall speak out freely and express my various teachings among you by my own hand here inscribed...” Frankie soon realizes that this much-coveted parchment is but one piece of a papyrus, and he makes it his mission to find the pieces and publish it. The fierce search takes him to Communist Poland, Paris, Georgia, and Rome for an audience with the Pope himself. Soon, a conspiracy that has taken twenty centuries to build rapidly unravels. As Russian, American, British, and Italian secret services vie to capture this rare parchment in the name of national interests, Frankie alone holds the key to its safekeeping.

Wildly inventive and world-class, The Jesus Gospel cracks the intensity, drama and mystery that have swirled around the inner sanctums of the Catholic Church for centuries. Anyone with a keen curiosity about the truth underlying the Christian religion, as well as a zest for a tale exquisitely told, will be riveted.

Book Information:
The Jesus Gospel
Author: Osman Kartal
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 978-1466494794
Pages: 238
Published: March 2012

About The Author
Originally from Caucuses, Osman Kartal is an international scholar who specializes in history and religion. In addition, he has previously worked for the British government and has been involved in intelligence activities. The Jesus Gospel is his second novel, following his debut work of fiction, The Prophet's Scribe, which explores the relationship between an unconventional monk and the Prophet Mohammed. Kartal divides his time between Istanbul, London, and New York.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Osman Kartal

The Jesus Gospel is available for purchase online from the publisher,, and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.
Osman Kartal