Opus Energy Believes Smart Meters Will be the Next Big Industry Innovation

A survey conducted by independent business-to-business UK power supplier, Opus Energy, suggests that British SMEs are aware of the benefits of having smart meters placed in their premises. The survey results support the organisation’s ambitious target to install 40,000 smart meters at its customers’ sites by the end of 2012.

Northampton, United Kingdom, April 25, 2012 --(PR.com)-- The research conducted by Opus Energy found that 15% of UK SME business leaders have a smart meter installed in their premises. Opus Energy is an early mover in comparison, having installed 25% (16,000) of its SME customers with smart meter technology.

The company questioned 500 SME leaders as part of its survey and found that most companies saw several advantages of having a meter installed:
· 36% thought the main benefit of having smart meters was that they produce accurate meter readings and bills;
· 31% believed that smart meters would encourage business owners to think more about energy saving; and
· 38% thought real-time visibility of their energy consumption would be valuable to them.

Opus Energy’s Managing Director, Charlie Crossley Cooke, commented on the company’s findings: “Smart meters will be one of this decade’s biggest industry innovations. Customers with smart meters are five times less likely to complain as a result of bill transparency. This means that we can decrease our service delivery costs and continue to offer customers competitive prices for our energy.”

Northampton-based sport and athletics shop, TriRunning, has recently signed up to Opus Energy and was very keen to install one of the company’s smart meters. Gabrielle Deere, TriRunning’s Managing Director, commented: “As a start-up we weren’t sure how much we would be charged for energy. We all know that estimates can be drastically over or under actual power usage, so we wanted to make sure we were in control of our energy bills from the start. We wanted to get a smart meter to keep track of our usage. We found that Opus Energy’s offering really suited us because they installed a smart meter for free.”

Opus Energy is ramping up its smart meter installation service for SMEs. The company’s main goal is to place the meters in all of its customers’ premises, and it has offered free smart meters to existing businesses which have not yet converted.

Crossley Cooke concluded, “Our survey results show that 59% of the SME leaders that we questioned look to their energy company to inform them about smart meters. Due to the success of Opus’s own ongoing smart meter roll-out, we are surprised that more SMEs have not yet made the switch.”
FTI Consulting
Lisa Donohue
0207 269 7219