Revenge, Death, and Ghosts Line the Pages of the Short Story Collection Night Shivers

Author, Ed Pessalano is pleased to announce the promotion of his book, Night Shivers. Night Shivers is a collection of thirteen short scary stories guaranteed to give you nightmares.

Brooklyn, NY, April 29, 2012 --( Stories range from grotesque stories such as "Terror Park," where a couple on honeymoon wind up in a deserted amusement park and are stalked by a deranged madman. "The Mourning" involves cannibalism.

Other stories feature vengeance that is exacted by child ghosts, particularly "Hellingston" and "Razorback Hill."

Freak accidents take place in stories such as "Delilah," which is about a beloved family horse, "Deadly," which is about a plant that is not what it seems to be, and "Lost and Forgotten," in which a fun wedding game turns into a twisted nightmare.

Revenge, death, and ghosts line the pages of Night Shivers.

Book Information:
Night Shivers
Author: Ed Pessalano
Publisher: Moose Hide Books
ISBN: 978-1-894650-82-3
Pages: 73
Published: August 2010

About The Author
Ed Pessalano has always liked telling stories, especially scary stories. When just a young boy, he would love to terrify family and friends with his special brand of horror. Ed is a freelance writer, currently residing in the State of New York. He is also a passionate animal rights activist and environmentalist.

Among his interests are watching classic horror films, listening to hard rock and heavy metal music, and writing poetry. Ed's primary goal is to achieve a best selling status as an author, and to entertain the general public with top quality storytelling. He has learned early in life that nothing is impossible.

Rising in the morning everyday and striving for excellence should be a part of everyone's daily regimen. Ed says, "If you believe in a dream strong enough, it shall come to pass."

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Ed Pessalano

Night Shivers is available for purchase online through the author’s website and from the publisher at
Ed Pessalano