Faith Walker, Owner of Plan It For Me! Weddings and Events Speaks to ACPWC Atlanta Chapter About Marketing and Branding Wedding Consulting Business

Faith Walker presented a detailed presentation on various ways to promote businesses as a wedding consultant at the annual Speaker’s Day for the Association of Certified and Professional Wedding Consultants.

Atlanta, GA, June 06, 2007 --( Faith Walker, Owner and member of the Association of Certified and Professional (ACPWC), gave an inspiring presentation on marketing for wedding consultants. She spoke about developing a marketing plan, developing relationships with vendors, and the latest trends in marketing a wedding business.

“Remember that what you put your positive thoughts and efforts into will expand, because marketing and branding your wedding business works, if you work it.” The title of Walker’s 45-minute presentation was “Marketing and Branding Your Wedding Business – It Works if You Work It!” She had many examples of creating a mission for your business, as well as creating objectives and finding your niche in the wedding consulting business. She discussed alternate ways of marketing a wedding business aside from traditional ways, and even touched briefly on incorporating some Guerilla Marketing tactics.

Walker’s marketing presentation to the ACPWC was warmly received with many members asking great questions and taking copious notes. She was reported to be humorous, informative, and timely in her responses. She reiterated to the audience that marketing is ever changing and that everyone’s approach should change with the trends in order to be fresh and new.

About Plan It For Me! Weddings and Events
Faith Walker is the Owner of Plan It For Me! Weddings and Events. She was also just awarded the title designation of Professional Wedding Consultant through the ACPWC. Plan It For Me! is a full service event planning company specializing in weddings and corporate events. It is the mission of Plan It for Me! to flawlessly execute the details of the wedding with excellent project management and professionalism. “We don’t sacrifice your creativity.”

For more information about Plan It For Me! Weddings and Events, or this particular news angle, please contact Faith Walker at Your (404) 386-0803.

Plan It For Me! Weddings and Events
Faith Walker
(404) 386-0803