New Hampshire's Resident Power Doubles Electricity Savings Guarantee

PSNH customers tired of constantly-changing charges on their electricity bills can now see relief. Manchester, NH-based Resident Power has announced it is doubling its guaranteed savings to new customers.

Manchester, NH, May 13, 2012 --( PSNH customers tired of constantly-changing charges on their electricity bills can now see relief. Manchester-based Resident Power ( has announced it is doubling its guaranteed savings to new customers.

“At a time when PSNH customers are seeing fluctuating electricity charges, Resident Power offers a 12-month, stable supply charge. We guarantee it will be at least 10% less than what PSNH charges them at the time of enrollment,” says Bart Fromuth, Managing Director of Resident Power (RP).

In fall 2011, when RP entered the NH market, it guaranteed new accounts at least 5% savings. In reality the average savings have been about 8-12%.

Fromuth explains, “When we opened the doors for electricity competition to residents and small businesses, we didn’t want to overpromise. We knew we could deliver on 5%, however we wanted to leave the door open to provide added savings when possible. As a result, many customers have signed up with the expectation of 5% savings and been overjoyed to discover that we delivered 10 or 12% savings.”

The rapid growth of the RP customer base has led to the new 10% guarantee. “Thanks to first adopters who had confidence in RP from the start, our pool of customers has grown more rapidly than even we predicted. Suppliers are cutting us significant breaks. They want our business and are showing it through the lower rates they’re offering. We simply pass savings on to RP customers. “Customers not currently enjoying the 10% minimum savings guarantee will see the benefits on their next contract renewal.”

Resident Power ( is a member of the Manchester, NH-based Freedom Energy Logistics, family of companies. The company’s management team has nearly 100 years of energy market experience and is widely recognized for its market intelligence and informational transparency. Resident Power is a member of the Better Business Bureau.
Barbara Wilson
603 986 4191