People Care 4 Day Care, Inc. to Help N. California Kids

Alameda, CA, June 08, 2007 --( People Care 4 Day Care, Inc., a nonprofit organization dedicated to enhancing and enriching the day care experience for children, has been launched by longtime Alameda resident Ralph Zig Tyko. Working with established local day care centers, the organization plans to fund tutorial programs, buy equipment, and provide financial assistance for families who need day care.

The group’s mission includes instilling positive life patterns and providing strong role models for young children, based on non-violence, anger management, negotiation skills and self worth, and building sound educational and social foundations. People Care 4 Day Care plans to achieve these goals through funding positive activities such as music, sports, and self-defense training, as well as providing tutoring, emergency health and dental care, and reading programs through day care centers. PC4DC also plans to provide books, and sports and play equipment to qualified day care programs.

"One way to staff these programs," says creative thinking Tyko, "is to organize volunteers from the senior citizen community as well as other local volunteers to help enrich the childcare experience from all points of view." Funding for the organization’s goals will come primarily from donations by both business organizations and individuals. People Care 4 Day Care plans to keep monies separated by county, as well.

People Care 4 Day Care relies heavily on the advice of its local board of advisors to assure that the community comes first and is well served. The organization also has a board of directors whose backgrounds and communities reflect the diversity of the Bay Area. They look forward to making a difference to children and to the parents for whom day care is a necessity.

For information about donations, sponsorship, or to join the “Friends of Daycare” program, visit their Web site at

People Care 4 Day Care, Inc.
Ralph Zig Tyko