TVHound 1.0 Released

Pink Zombie Studios today introduces TVHound 1.0, their new app for iOS devices. TVHound is an app that allows users to track their favourite shows, see what's coming up on television, see which shows or movies are trending, and check-in with shows they're watching. Users can even share their check-ins with facebook and Twitter.

Singapore, Singapore, May 22, 2012 --( TVHound, an app for iOS (iPhone, iPad, iPod touch) devices, was released today. TVHound is a revolutionary new app that allows its users to track television shows by date, add shows or movies to a watchlist, see which shows or movies are trending, and mark shows, seasons, episodes, and movies as watched.

"I started developing TVHound because I wasn't satisfied with other comparable iOS apps. None of them could do everything I wanted, like being able to track upcoming televisions shows, read episode descriptions, or mark television episodes as marked," says Fahim Farook, developer of TVHound and CTO of RookSoft.

TVHound enables a user to track their favourite shows via a watchlist and see each episode on their watchlist in calendar order. With TVHound, a user can also see episode and show or movie information, see what's trending, and search for shows or movies. A user can also check in when watching an episode or movie, and even send that check in information to, facebook, or twitter.


The Your Shows screen will display a list of episodes and movies according to date it will air along with a thumbnail of the show, the episode name, the date and time it will air, and which television station and country it will air in.
The Calendar screen displays a listing of all upcoming shows, regardless of whether or not it's on your watch list.
Search for episodes, television shows, and movies.
The Watched screen displays a list of all shows and movies you've marked as seen.
Trending displays shows and movies that are popular.
Settings displays settings for turning Facebook and Twitter sharing on or off and resets hints so they're back on for all screens. Also, you can use the Feedback button to report bugs or make feature requests.
Detailed hints show up for every screen to help you get the most out of TVHound.
From every episodes listing, whether in the Your Shows, Calendar, Search, Watched, or Trending lists, you can tap on an episode, show, or movie for more detailed information.
Mark individual television episodes, shows (all episodes), and movies as seen. A green check mark will appear beside the episode listing if you've marked it as seen, whereas a red X will appear if the episode has not been seen yet.
Tap the IMDB button to see more information on the show or movie. If you have the IMDB iOS app installed, the button will open the IMDB app to the correct page. Otherwise, your mobile browser will open to the IMDB site, showing you the correct page for the show or movie.
Add television shows and movies to your Watchlist. Changed your mind? You can remove them, too.
Watch Trailers of movies - you'll be ported to the Youtube app for that.
Use the calendar function to change the date range.
Check in through to facebook and/or twitter with what you're watching.

Device Requirements

Compatible with iPhone (3GS, 4, 4S), iPod touch (3rd and 4th generation), iPad.
Requires iOS 4.0 or later
3.0 MB

Pricing and Availability
TVHound 1.0 is free and available worldwide exclusively through the App Store in the Entertainment category.

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TVHound 1.0:
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About Pink Zombie Studios

Pink Zombie Studios. Bringing games to life.
Pink Zombie Studios is a brand collaboration between Fahim Farook of RookSoft Pte Ltd and Erick Garayblas of Kuyi Mobile. Pink Zombie Studios aims to develop fun and colourful games and apps for mobile platforms including iOS and Android.

Fahim Farook
Pink Zombie Studios
Fahim Farook
+65 8450 3822