Offshore Online Tuitions Company Announces ACT Preparation Programs

Etutelage, a fast growing offshore online tuitions company announced ACT preparation packages for students all across USA. The intensive study packages include personalized, live sessions with ACT experts to enable students achieve their target scores in the ACT in September.

Santa Clara, CA, June 09, 2007 --( "Most of the students already possess the knowledge required to do great in the ACT", says Reema Thakur, a senior academician at Etutelage, "What they lack is the transition of this knowledge into skills tested in ACT and the test taking skills per se". The ACT Program at Etutelage focuses on this transition from knowledge to target skills and the art of test taking.

The Program is available in two versions: ACT Comprehensive, a two months Program comprising of 49 hours of intensive interaction with ACT instructors covering all the areas tested in the test. ACT Fast Track is the one month Program consisting of 25 hours for overscheduled candidates. Both the Programs include assignments, detailed feedback, four full scale tests and special focus on the candidate's individual weaknesses.

At a price tag of $699 (ACT Comprehensive) and $399 (ACT Fast Track), the packages are affordable even to the not so affluent sections of the students.

The ACT can be a very important determinant of the direction a student's career takes. The Etutelage ACT Programs are intended to provide an opportunity to all segments of students to do as well as they can in this very important test.

Headquartered in Noida, India, Etutelage ( strives to make quality learning affordable to all by combining its expertise in education and teaching with the latest in communication technology. The students need a computer with broadband connection to attend classes. Due to the offshore model of operation, the company offers very attractive rates thus opening the option of private tutoring to students who found it unaffordable so far.

Anil Kumar