CACEP Selects Services as Their Internet Commerce Solution

Internet commerce is a needed service to continue to be successful website.

San Francisco, CA, June 09, 2007 --( CACEP after, a successful April Internet launch CACEP realizes the need to make online donation services available on their website. StarDonor offers all in one package to make accepting credit cards possible from Payment Gateway, SSL transactions to Merchant Account it’s easy to use turnkey is the solution.

CACEP Online donor capabilities offer services to accept donations not only from the local community but to reach outward to all people interested in providing support to a cause, the crisis of education for children of Nicaragua.
CACEP based in San Francisco and Nicaragua. It works with partnerships with Central America and it’s people to promote Educational opportunities for the many under-privileged school aged children- dedicated to providing care and funds to families, and abandoned children who would other wise not have the same opportunities without funding. Its reach expands from the rural countrysides to the very impoverished barrios in the big city.

CACEP, stands for Central American Children’s Educational Projects it is a 501 (C) 3 status pending non-profit charitable organization. Based in San Francisco and Nicaragua it is building hope for children by providing funding for projects that supply food, supplies and school materials. For more information contact Thom McMullen at (415) 374-3911 or check the website

Central American Children's Education Projects
Thom Mc Mullen
415 374-3911