Seminars to Turn Women on to Goddess Power
A new six-week “goddess” teleseminar series of 18 speakers, targeting women who want more out of life, in terms of empowering themselves and using their full potential.
Warren, MI, May 23, 2012 --( To live a life on purpose and with passion. That’s the intended goal for women who take part in an upcoming empowerment teleseminar series called Lessons of the Goddess.
The typical woman’s life is far out of balance today, according to the series’ creators. She’s so busy with the demands of career, kids and the day-to-day details, she’s gotten out of touch with who she really is and what she desires out of life.
The series, which kicks off its six-week run on May 22, 2012, is aimed at helping women realize that they can get back to their true feminine essence, and embrace who they were born to be: a goddess.
The new teleseminar series is actually a subsidiary of the upcoming website Just Call Me Goddess that's in the works. The plan is for the site to become a “go to” resource for women’s empowerment. It will include columns and articles by leading experts, special events and an online community where women can share ideas, ask questions and make new friends.
Why “goddess” power? The goddess is viewed as being strong, authentic, creative, intuitive, passionate and steadfast, yet heart-centered, or in many ways possesses the ideal characteristics of a fully empowered woman.
“We thought it was time for women to understand how powerful they could be,” said Tanya Schupp, the series co-creator. “We felt the ‘goddess’ best embodied the spirit of empowerment we were after.”
“There may be other ‘empowerment’ programs out there, but ours is different,” added Ilene Stankiewicz, the other half of the goddess team. “Think divine feminine power with an attitude.”
In other words, the series will be edgy. Yes, there will be talk about career, money and finding your soulmate, but there will also be discussions on listening to your intuition, stopping the aging process by communicating with your body’s cells, and using Tantra to improve more than just your sex life.
One speaker will also cover the “restlessness” among women around the globe, which has led to a new type of women’s empowerment movement.
The telesummit is free for participants. Only registration is required at for full access to all of the 18 interviews, which can be heard via phone or computer. They interviews will
be available as replays for 48 hours following the original postings.
The interviews are being divided up into six categories, highlighting three speakers each week. They are as follows: Prosperity (wealth and business); Connections (relationships); Sensuality (passion and intimacy); Wholeness (health); BE-ing You (authenticity); and Divinity (spirituality). The speakers are well-respected experts in their fields and typically serve clients as personal coaches.
“There’s a common thread running through all of the presentations,” said Stankiewicz. “That women need to be true to who they are, and take care of themselves first, or they risk not having the energy to take care of anyone, let alone be happy with their lives.”
“Based on the response we’ve received so far, we see this as an underserved part of the women’s market,” said Schupp. “Even our guest speakers, who have taken part in any number of online seminars, were eager to jump on board. We’re already planning another series for fall.”
For more information, contact:
Tanya Schupp
Ilene Stankiewicz
The typical woman’s life is far out of balance today, according to the series’ creators. She’s so busy with the demands of career, kids and the day-to-day details, she’s gotten out of touch with who she really is and what she desires out of life.
The series, which kicks off its six-week run on May 22, 2012, is aimed at helping women realize that they can get back to their true feminine essence, and embrace who they were born to be: a goddess.
The new teleseminar series is actually a subsidiary of the upcoming website Just Call Me Goddess that's in the works. The plan is for the site to become a “go to” resource for women’s empowerment. It will include columns and articles by leading experts, special events and an online community where women can share ideas, ask questions and make new friends.
Why “goddess” power? The goddess is viewed as being strong, authentic, creative, intuitive, passionate and steadfast, yet heart-centered, or in many ways possesses the ideal characteristics of a fully empowered woman.
“We thought it was time for women to understand how powerful they could be,” said Tanya Schupp, the series co-creator. “We felt the ‘goddess’ best embodied the spirit of empowerment we were after.”
“There may be other ‘empowerment’ programs out there, but ours is different,” added Ilene Stankiewicz, the other half of the goddess team. “Think divine feminine power with an attitude.”
In other words, the series will be edgy. Yes, there will be talk about career, money and finding your soulmate, but there will also be discussions on listening to your intuition, stopping the aging process by communicating with your body’s cells, and using Tantra to improve more than just your sex life.
One speaker will also cover the “restlessness” among women around the globe, which has led to a new type of women’s empowerment movement.
The telesummit is free for participants. Only registration is required at for full access to all of the 18 interviews, which can be heard via phone or computer. They interviews will
be available as replays for 48 hours following the original postings.
The interviews are being divided up into six categories, highlighting three speakers each week. They are as follows: Prosperity (wealth and business); Connections (relationships); Sensuality (passion and intimacy); Wholeness (health); BE-ing You (authenticity); and Divinity (spirituality). The speakers are well-respected experts in their fields and typically serve clients as personal coaches.
“There’s a common thread running through all of the presentations,” said Stankiewicz. “That women need to be true to who they are, and take care of themselves first, or they risk not having the energy to take care of anyone, let alone be happy with their lives.”
“Based on the response we’ve received so far, we see this as an underserved part of the women’s market,” said Schupp. “Even our guest speakers, who have taken part in any number of online seminars, were eager to jump on board. We’re already planning another series for fall.”
For more information, contact:
Tanya Schupp
Ilene Stankiewicz
Just Call Me Goddess
Ilene Stankiewicz
Ilene Stankiewicz
