Jet Lag: Accountability Reduces Lag

The airline industry held accountable to the consumer. It's about time.

Boise, ID, June 11, 2007 --( People are upset and more than a little disappointed at the irregularity, inconsistency, and high prices concerning one of the world’s most profitable industries. According to founder John R. Cushma an unbiased, an in-depth review of each airline and each flight is necessary to hold the airline industry accountable for actions deemed unacceptable by travelers.

According to the Bureau of Transportation there were over 650 million passengers travelng in the United States alone. In that time the airline industry grossed over 60-billion dollars in revenue. A delay of 15 minutes or more happens in approximately 1 in 4 planned flights which translates to over 175 million passengers annually suffering jet lag before ever leaving the terminal.

Founded in 2006 on the premise of better customer service, fewer late departures, timely arrivals, and accountability, is known for revealing factual truths concerning the airline industry. “I saved time and money by reading the reviews and visiting the forums,” states Michelle Michaels a frequent flyer from Clayton, Ohio. “Who would guess it was free?”

Consist truths and innovative thinking paves the way for the consumer. The latest technologies are harnessed to make the airline industry accountable for practices both positive and negative utilizing high-quality designs and expertises to add opinions and views concerning airline practices.

With the rising number of in-air travelers the consumer wants better service, lower prices, and less wait time. With over 2 million people in the skies above the United States on any given day knowing the past experience keeps the consumer informed of popular trends. “Today consumers deserve to have precise, unbiased reports about the airline they will be using.” was founded in 2006 to provide unbiased information to consumers regarding the airline industry. By offering travelers the opportunity to post free reviews, utilize the free forum, and read comprehensive articles, consumers have the chance to discuss and evaluate flights based on past experiences.


If you would like more information concerning the airline industry, please contact founder John R. Cushma at or visit
Flight Review Center
Stephanie Rosenmund