Baby Steps for a Big Cause: LaurganiQ is Gathering Support for Sustainable Tech Accessories
The earth we walk on, the fresh air in our lungs, nature's bombardment of daily gifts. Even if our awareness of its value never outgrows those tiny compartments of our lives where it decorates the walls. Foul air will have you fainting, contaminated soil does little good for food production. If not love for what lives than the love that goes through the stomach will bring the world environment issue to your kitchen table. With world environment day behind us, what remains?
Arnhem, Netherlands, June 14, 2012 --( At LaurganiQ those green intentions are now being turned into reality. One baby step at a time.
As a company brand which aims to promote high end innovation through sustainable Art LaurganiQ was bound to embark on Art inspired accessories. For those who can not afford Art but appreciate having it around them a mousepad with Art printed on it is a temporary cap on those Art cravings. For beginning artists and starting companies alike it is often too much work to start up an entire production process so in come social platforms. But how much choice do users have where sustainability is subject? And how many users would care? LaurganiQ decided to test green commitment by playing the democratic card. The means: a petition aimed at one of the largest social commerce platforms, Cafepress. The content: sign and get sustainable alternatives added as an option.
Keeping the means modest. Pro consumer choice. Ever noticed how whenever a green company offers merchandise it is usually a t-shirt or a bag, recycled naturally? But what about those accessories we use every day to harness our tech gadgets? Slowly green tech accessories are dripping in. Here a wooden USB stick, at the other end a mousepad of old tyres. A sustainable tablet case pops up somewhere in the middle half way across the planet. LaurganiQ aims to bring those options under one roof, at the same table. Why not have that table be one where anyone can drop in and join for a meal?
A green twist to tech gifts and accessories is just a baby step. For an artist or a company a way to share their eco consciousness and celebrate creativity all at once. Looking for a special laptop Skin? Get one with an eco message. And spread the message everywhere you go. In an understated way. Going green at home? Show your commitment with a tablet Sleeve. LaurganiQ for example has documented the second life of a wine bottle and turned it into snippets of Art to add to your favorite tech items, to remind you of the value of recycling without screaming it out.
For anyone looking for new tech accessories a simple reminder. Saving trees with your eReader? Carry it on your e-reader sleeve. To make you more aware of the choices we make every day. Next time you replace your latest tech find, remember to bring it to a recycle station. With tech accessories as a daily reminder, you might actually go that extra half a mile.
Sign the add sustainable alternatives petition.
As a company brand which aims to promote high end innovation through sustainable Art LaurganiQ was bound to embark on Art inspired accessories. For those who can not afford Art but appreciate having it around them a mousepad with Art printed on it is a temporary cap on those Art cravings. For beginning artists and starting companies alike it is often too much work to start up an entire production process so in come social platforms. But how much choice do users have where sustainability is subject? And how many users would care? LaurganiQ decided to test green commitment by playing the democratic card. The means: a petition aimed at one of the largest social commerce platforms, Cafepress. The content: sign and get sustainable alternatives added as an option.
Keeping the means modest. Pro consumer choice. Ever noticed how whenever a green company offers merchandise it is usually a t-shirt or a bag, recycled naturally? But what about those accessories we use every day to harness our tech gadgets? Slowly green tech accessories are dripping in. Here a wooden USB stick, at the other end a mousepad of old tyres. A sustainable tablet case pops up somewhere in the middle half way across the planet. LaurganiQ aims to bring those options under one roof, at the same table. Why not have that table be one where anyone can drop in and join for a meal?
A green twist to tech gifts and accessories is just a baby step. For an artist or a company a way to share their eco consciousness and celebrate creativity all at once. Looking for a special laptop Skin? Get one with an eco message. And spread the message everywhere you go. In an understated way. Going green at home? Show your commitment with a tablet Sleeve. LaurganiQ for example has documented the second life of a wine bottle and turned it into snippets of Art to add to your favorite tech items, to remind you of the value of recycling without screaming it out.
For anyone looking for new tech accessories a simple reminder. Saving trees with your eReader? Carry it on your e-reader sleeve. To make you more aware of the choices we make every day. Next time you replace your latest tech find, remember to bring it to a recycle station. With tech accessories as a daily reminder, you might actually go that extra half a mile.
Sign the add sustainable alternatives petition.
Laura Quainoo
Laura Quainoo