Iranian-American Publication Refutes Lieberman’s Plan for Attacking Iran, Asking Nancy Pelosi to Travel to Tehran to Ease Current Tensions

Los Angeles, CA, June 14, 2007 --( Los Angeles based Amrikaee Magazine has made a strong statement in condemning the comments made by Senator Joe Lieberman of Connecticut last Sunday in encouraging a military strike against Iran. The publisher of the Iranian-American publication has gone further in an open letter to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, asking her to visit Tehran and meet with local officials, including Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei and President Ahmadinejad, in hope of reducing the recent tensions.

In his letter to Pelosi, Amrikaee publisher, Pedram Moallemian stresses the pattern of human rights abuses by the government of Iran but also declares that “it is great to talk to your friends, but it’s vital to talk with the enemy, be it real or the perceived kind.” He goes on to explain that although her visit to Tehran may not bring an immediate resolution to various points of contention between the two governments, the alternative of further escalating the conflict is “unnecessary and unacceptable.”

Los Angeles is home to the largest concentration of Iranian-Americans in U.S., which is estimated to be around 1.5 million strong, with as much as 20% living in Southern California. The community often finds it difficult to maintain a balance between opposing hostilities towards their homeland, while maintaining a firm stand against what can be categorized as sever practices of the government, including the current arrest of 4 Iranian-Americans accused of espionage.

In a recent interview with Amrikaee, prominent actor and peace activist Mike Farrell advised the Iranian-Americans that "the 'Chalabi' types in your community must be quickly and consistently unmasked and repudiated at every opportunity," demonstrating an interest in using the community by the administration to pave the way for further hostilities.

Sen. Lieberman raised more than a few eyebrows when on an appearance on Sunday’s CBS News program “Face the Nation” declared “I think we’ve got to be prepared to take aggressive military action against the Iranians to stop them from killing Americans in Iraq.” He explained further that he supports an immediate series of air strikes against Iran, adding, “I’m not talking about a massive ground invasion of Iran.”

With his comments, Joe Lieberman, the usual swing vote in a closely divided Senate and also Chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, took a position even further beyond the official position of Bush Administration that has often accused Iran of meddling in Iraq, but has not taken the stand that there was “incontrovertible” evidence that Iranians were training Iraqis to use the explosives, which are blamed for killing as many as 200 Americans, as Lieberman explained. Several prominent Democrats, including Majority Leader Harry Reid have since spoken against Senator Lieberman’s position.

No immediate response was made by the Speaker’s office about the possibility of a Tehran visit, but she had come out with an inconclusive position when House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Lantos suggested earlier in the year that she should join him on such a visit. Speaker Pelosi came under criticism when she visited another perceived foe of this administration, Syria, earlier this year.

“We can’t undertake any more painful shocks and are already awed beyond reason that more people aren’t appalled by being blatantly lied into an illegal and disastrous war.” adds Moallemian, referring to the prospect of another war and the “shock and awe” strategy of this administration in starting phase of Iraqi invasion.

Amrikaee (pronounced um-ri-ka-e) translates as “The American” in Farsi/Persian and bills itself as the “Progressive Voice of Iranian-Americans.”

For Pictures & Details, Contact: Pedram Moallemian, Publisher, Direct Phone: 310-339-1155 or email:

Amrikaee Magazine
Pedram Moallemian