An Interview with Urban Fantasy Author, J. Austin Gentry

Burbank, CA, June 10, 2012 --( J. Austin Gentry, author if Churn Book I of III, is about to release the much awaited “Churn Book II” in August of this year. Recently J. Austin was interviewed by David Ewen host of “Today’s Author” on Blog Talk Radio:

This interview allowed for J. Austin to describe the creation of Churn Book series and how he was able to structure his protagonist and villain. He mentioned his next book-signing event later this month and that Churn Book II is currently in the editing process. Below is a brief synopsis Churn Book II targeted this August through Ingram Content Group:

In the year 2022, with the world’s governments watching, helpless and pushed beyond their measure, our heroes – Bill Towerse, Lisa Cacuzzo and Miko Nguyen struggle to fulfill their ordained mission plan. A commission given to them by an Entity not of this world, but that of a world only certain priests and select religious historians are aware of. With the plan of the Entity exposed, our heroes struggle to allow for the Entity passage back to where it came. But by doing so, would give certain governments of interest what they’ve wanted all along and at the same time risking an outcome that would destroy us all.

For vendor links be sure to visit where you’ll also find the synopsis of Churn Book I of III.
J. Austin Gentry, Independent Author
J. Austin Gentry