"Eco Measures Carbon Footprints" - Eco Carbon Offsets Rolls Out New Carbon Management Consulting Services to Assist Companies Become Carbon Neutral at a Neutral Cost

A new website on the Internet, specifically for businesses and land owners, has been launched by a specialist Carbon Management Consulting company ECO Carbon Offset. ECO’s website, http://www.ecocarbonoffsets.com.au covers every aspect of becoming Carbon Neutral, including Carbon Footprint Measurement, Carbon Credits and Carbon Farming, as well as the CEO’s own extensive personal experience and independent views.

Adelaide, Australia, June 11, 2012 --(PR.com)-- From 1st July 2012, many businesses will need to understand the size of their carbon Footprint. A new Carbon Management Consulting service has been formed for companies faced with the complex questions of “How to Measure Our Carbon Footprint?” and “What Options are Available to Reduce Our Carbon Emissions?” http://www.ecocarbonoffsets.com.au contains very informative articles about every aspect of the complex Carbon Market.

The company is called Eco Carbon Offsets, and when announcing the launch of the new services, the CEO also highlighted the importance of establishing exactly what was useful and what was not when you research online. "The Internet is an amazing tool that has changed our lives, but when I've been researching Carbon Management services online, I've often struggled to find any relevant and useful information on the nuts and bolts and relevant principles to enable a business to measure its carbon footprint accurately. All of the Carbon Footprint Calculators produce different results" said Noel McArdle, CEO of Eco Carbon Offsets.

There are, of course, many companies online which cover various aspects of the Carbon Market. However, Eco Carbon Offsets has been specifically created so that businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint, and therefore their costs, can easily find out what they need to know in one place, with just a few clicks of their mouse, including Carbon Footprint Measurement, Carbon Credits and Eco’s established plantation sites. “It is a One Stop Shop,” said Mr McArdle.

Land owners are also encouraged to visit the site to discover how they can “Earn Income from Carbon Farming.” Eco’s website also includes sections on Frequently Asked Questions and a Glossary of Carbon Terms to help clarify any questions the visitor may have.

Whilst the Internet continues to grow at an amazing speed, businesses and land owners are faced with conflict and confusion as more and more information becomes widely available - and it's harder than ever to truly get to the bottom of such a complex and rapidly changing subject - purely because of the volume of outdated text, audio, and video available online.

Eco’s website is extremely comprehensive and user friendly which also provides a very informative and downloadable “ECO Report,” but unlike some of its direct competitors in the same area – the information provided is completely free of charge. The CEO feels that businesses need to be provided with sound information in a situation where political point scoring makes it difficult for managers to make objective decisions regarding their carbon policy.

On average, visitors to the website stay for over 11 minutes, which far exceeds most other websites, where visitors just briefly visit a single page then click away. Many visitors also commented on how practical and time-efficient it was to have all the necessary resources in one place without having to search around the Internet to discover what they are looking for.

To find out more, go to http://www.ecocarbonoffsets.com.au - one of Australia’s most comprehensive and informative Carbon Management Consulting websites.

“Becoming Carbon Neutral Can Be Cost Neutral!”

About Eco Carbon Offsets:
ECO has been established by a group of concerned people who bring commercial principles to bear on environmental problems.

· Name: Noel McArdle, CEO
Company: Eco Carbon Offsets (A Division of Criton Pty Ltd)
Telphone: 0412 256 255
Email: email@ecocarbonoffsets.com.au
Website: http://www.ecocarbonoffsets.com.au
ECO Report: http://www.ecocarbonoffsets.com.au/ECO-Report
Eco Carbon Offsets
Noel McArdle
0412 256 255