Shelly Meyer Takes to Amazon with Her Novel, "The Letter"

This is in reference to the publishing of "The Letter" by Shelly Meyer.

Denver, CO, June 13, 2012 --( After 3 ½ years of painstaking writing, re-writing and editing, author, Shelly Meyer, is finally about to publish her second novel, “The Letter.”

Shelly Meyer has written an emotional roller coaster of a story with a romance novel. The ride began in December of 2008 when she, herself, wrote a letter to a famous movie star. Once her letter was written and mailed, she wondered what would happen if this movie star replied, and so the the story of “The Letter” began.

What if you wrote a letter to a movie star and you got an unexpected response? Nearly every girl in the world who has requested an autographed photo of a film star or a band has probably fantasized about that possibility. Shelly Meyer has gone beyond that fantasy with a story that tells of what happens when one woman actually meets the movie star she has written to.

Ms. Meyer says of her novel, “I wanted to tell the story of what was going on in my head after I sent my letter. I wondered how the scenario would play out. Could a movie star fall in love with an ordinary woman? Could an ordinary woman live in a movie star's world? This is the idea behind my novel.”

“The Letter” is set to be published on Amazon in the next week, in both e-book and in print. Once publication has been completed, Ms. Meyer plans to continue distribution efforts through retailers such as Barnes and Noble and Wal Mart. The e-book version will be available for purchase at $2.99 and in paperback for $21.00 USD.

About Shelly Meyer

Shelly Meyer is a published author who began writing short stories and poetry at an early age. In high school, she found a passion for romance novels and realized romance was her writing genre. Ms. Meyer currently works full time as an article and blog writer, website creator, and personal assistant to a very well known PR and mobile marketing company based in St. Petersburg, Florida.

She published her first novel, “Portland Authority” in 2005, under the pen name, Shelly Cahoon, and began working on “The Letter” in December of 2008. Her next project is to begin writing the sequel.

For more information about “The Letter,” please visit or contact Ms. Meyer at
Shelly Meyer, Author
Shelly Meyer