Safari Jema from Author Teresa O’Kane Wins the Indie Book Award for Best Memoir

California author, Teresa O’Kane is pleased to announce her new book, Safari Jema won the Indie Book Award for Best Memoir.

San Jose, CA, June 16, 2012 --( O’Kane had always longed to see the world. She owned scads of travel books and maps to prove it and was about to buy yet another bookcase to hold the many Lonely Planet guides and travel essays that she and her husband had accumulated over the years when she turned to her husband and said, “I’m tired of storing our dreams. Let’s live them!” Within a month, they bought one-way tickets to Morocco, leased out their home, and set out on a journey of the African Continent top to bottom, from Casablanca to Cape Town. Transiting seventeen countries in 10 months, mostly by public transport, they explored wild, exotic, and historic locations they had only dreamed of and some they had never heard of. From sandy Timbuktu, to a tiny lemur populated island in Madagascar, the author embraces Africa. She strokes the manes of lions, contracts malaria, flies a micro light over Victoria Falls, earns a level one certification as a South African safari guide, discovers that an insect has turned her foot into a nursery for hundreds of eggs, grapples with the negative effects of foreign aid, and rubs elbows with European royalty deep within the Dogon in Mali. O’Kane offers an entertaining and enlightening look into overland travel on the African continent. Filled with helpful budget minded travel tips, this inspiring book may find you yearning to take a career break of your own.

Book Information:
Safari Jema
Author: Teresa O'Kane
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 978-1463741792
Pages: 294
Published: January 2012

About The Author
Teresa O’Kane writes about travel and adventure from her home in California and from around the world. In Safari Jema, she and her husband pick of the thread of their dream to see the whole wide world. She gives presentations and has traveled to all seven continents and more than 125 countries.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

Teresa O’Kane

Safari Jema is available for purchase online through the author’s website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.
Teresa O'Kane