Loan Originators Learn How to Make Financial Wealth Attainable for Every Homeowner

Over 3,000 Loan Originators Attend the Strategic Equity Summit to Learn How to Make Financial Wealth Attainable for Every Homeowner

Edgewater, NJ, June 17, 2007 --( Mortgage professionals flock to the largest industry event of its kind to learn mortgage planning techniques that help borrowers safely and conservatively reach their financial goals.

On June 6-8, over 3,000 mortgage originators attended the Strategic Equity Summit, the largest industry event of its kind in history, to learn the trade secrets of 24 of the most innovative and successful leaders in the mortgage industry, as they shared their tried-and-true formulas for using mortgage planning to dramatically and positively impact the financial lives of their borrowers. In three information packed days, the industry-renowned presenters shared their little-known, but proven mortgage planning secrets that have consistently helped their clients to achieve their financial goals.

The Strategic Equity Summit, which was held in Las Vegas, was created for the sole purpose of educating loan originators on how to better assist their clients through mortgage planning. Mortgage planning is the process of utilizing and leveraging borrowers’ home mortgages to help them better and more quickly achieve their short- and long-term financial goals. Rather than simply viewing a mortgage as a stagnant debt, mortgage planning offers a wealth-building perspective that actively, strategically and advantageously positions the home and its mortgage into the borrower’s financial plan so their equity is safe, accessible and productive.

“A home is the largest investment that most Americans make in their lifetimes,” explains Tony Croft, a mortgage planner with Freedom Mortgage, a mortgage company based in Mount Laurel, NJ. “But because few people have been taught how to incorporate that debt structure into their overall financial goals, the benefits of that home--as well as its appreciation--have gone largely untapped. With the mortgage planning strategies presented at the Strategic Equity Summit, we are in an even better position to help the borrower. By utilizing proven strategies that take into account borrowers’ current financial situation, as well as short-and-long term goals, we can help develop a formula that best positions them for achieving the financial picture of their dreams.”

The primary difference between a Mortgage Planner and the average loan officer is that Mortgage Planners look at a mortgage in terms of the overall financial status and goals of the borrower, while the average loan officer, often focused on rates and fees, fails to consider the mortgage’s impact on bigger picture issues like taxes, asset-producing investments and overall savings.

“In its simplest form, mortgage planning is about helping clients understand the direct relationship and impact their mortgage has on their overall financial picture,” explains Steven Marshall, founder and CEO of Strategic Equity, the mortgage education company that hosted the event. “The vast majority of homeowners believe their mortgages are in no way related to their goals of saving for retirement, saving for college, increasing their net worth and eventually achieving financial freedom. But nothing could be further from the truth. For most homeowners, a mortgage is the #1 factor that could most positively affect all of these goals. We created the Summit to educate loan originators to this fact, so that they in turn, can help their clients.”

“Many loan officers have gotten away from the ultimate end goal of this business, which is not earning the highest fees, but helping the borrower,” adds Croft. “As a reputable professional, I’ve built my business by continually focusing on client benefit as my number one goal. Thanks to the knowledge I acquired at the Strategic Equity Summit, I can provide my clients with value that far surpasses the level of my competitors. While they’re selling a short-term solution to a long-term issue, I’m giving my clients the keys to unlock their financial futures.”

About Freedom Mortgage : Freedom Mortgage Corporation, is an established, fully licensed, and privately held mortgage banking operation, providing a wide range of loan choices at competitive rates to new and existing homeowners. Freedom has been serving residential homeowners throughout the Nation since 1990. Freedom Mortgage is an Equal Housing Lender and an Equal Opportunity Employer with its corporate headquarters located in Mount Laurel, New Jersey, Freedom Mortgage is regarded as one of the Nation’s fastest growing mortgage lenders. For more information about the how your local Edgewater branch can serve you, please call the Tony Croft Team at: 888.207.9506

Contact: Tony Croft

Freedom Mortgage
Tony Croft