Copernio™ Goes Alpha with IFECabin Software

New Software Suite provides linkage of In-Flight, In-Cabin Events with Cross Checks to Operations Manuals Protocols

Huntington Beach, CA, June 17, 2007 --( Copernio Holding Company today announced that it has gone alpha with its prototype software providing in-flight diagnostics of in-cabin events. The software offers a threefold view of forward cockpit operations, aft cabin events and cargo metadata.

Each software module has full correspondence with operating procedures, training manual and post-operations diagnostics. The software is designed to fulfill compliance with post-flight debriefs of pilots, crews and cargo manifests while offering full overview of total flight operations. The package is meant to present a comparative view of specific compliance requirements, balanced with a view of in-flight event occurrences and present a deviation matrix in order to diagnose, quantify and improve performance.

“We feel that our latest offerings present a solution to the emerging requirement of a holistic flight view,” states Peter Berghammer, CEO of the Copernio Holding Company. He continued “The necessity of presenting a view of total aircraft operations, including qualitative in-cabin data, is becoming an urgent requirement that airfleet operators must anticipate. We feel that our preliminary solutions address the best possible course for airlines to meet future requirements.”

IFECabin software will now move to beta testing and be available to airfleet operators in the Fall of 2007. It is available on both Linux and Windows platforms.

About Copernio™

Privately held Copernio is a pioneer in the development of defense specific software systems, advanced research and a wide array of wireless communications technologies. Copernio is a privately held company with headquarters in Huntington Beach, CA and Brussels, Belgium. For more information, please visit:

Peter Berghammer