General Van Antwerp to Give Keynote Address at International Ultraviolet Association (IUVA) Conference in August

UV water and air treatment technologies have impacted the individual consumers, water and wastewater management industries, and governments across the globe. This two-day conference in Washington D.C. brings together leading experts in the field of UV water treatment.

Washington D.C., DC, June 28, 2012 --( General Van Antwerp, a former Commanding General of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, will give a keynote address to a group of UV technology engineers, scientists, students and industry leaders at the August 13th luncheon for the IUVA conference in Washington, D.C, August 12-14, 2012. UV technology is used to disinfect drinking water, sanitize wastewater for reuse, and in aquatics and air treatment applications to make water and air safer for human use and consumption.

The conference, “Moving Forward: Sustainable UV Solutions to Meet Evolving Regulatory Challenges” will address the Environmental Protection Agency’s changing regulatory processes and bring together leading experts. Attendee registration is open: $400/members, $495/non-members and $95/students. Onsite registration is $450/ members, $550/non-members and $95/students. Those with limited availability may opt for discounted, one-day registration. Sponsorship and exhibition opportunities are still available.

The Conference location is Hyatt Regency Crystal City at Reagan National Airport in Arlington, Virginia. Airport shuttle service is free to and from the hotel. Visit: to book at the conference rate.

UV topics discussed at the conference include: Regulations, Validations and Certifications, Emerging Technologies, Drinking Water Disinfections, Wastewater and Water Reuse Disinfection Applications, Air Treatment and Industrial Water Applications, Aquatics Applications and UV AOPs Applications.

Students are encouraged to attend and submit entries for a poster contest. Themes address the topic areas above. Deadline for poster submissions is August 2, 2012. Students will be provided four by eight feet wide poster boards. Three winners will be selected and prizes will be awarded.

Representatives from companies such as Calgon Carbon, Ozonia North America and Aquionics will exhibit UV technology applications and attend sessions. CDM Smith is the conference’s Gold Sponsor. CDM Smith deploys sustainable water solutions.

IUVA’s mission is to advance the science, engineering and applications of ultraviolet water disinfection and air pollutant technologies to enhance the quality of human life and to protect the environment. Founded in 1999, it is a 501(c)3 educational association of more than 500 members in 35 countries. IUVA is recognized as the leading knowledge base and voice for UV technologies through its varied conferences and programs. Visit
International Ultraviolet Association
Deborah Martinez