Lights, Camera, Action Fashion and Talent Show! Aug. 19th at Major Events 5075 Lancaster Ave Phila, PA 19131. Starts 7pm. 1st Step in the Community to Take Back Our Youth
In light of all the violence amongst our youth, Common Ground Entertainment/Toxic Inc is taking their first step in the community to “Taking Back our Youth.” Such community events as this, add discipline and shows the way to success for many of our young adults that saw only a dead end to which their talent could go. They will use their energy creatively to convey their thoughts and feelings, and with this show, that is what Common Ground Entertainment intends to help them do!

Philadelphia, PA, July 26, 2012 --( In light of all the violence amongst or youth, Common Ground Entertainment/Toxic Inc is taking their first step in the community to “Taking Back our Youth.” Common Ground Entertainment is very excited for the community of Philadelphia to be a part of this important event! Common Ground Entertainment/ Toxic Inc want to give our youth a chance unleash their creative talents at this event in an environment that empowers our youth to pursue and market their assets. Such community events as this, add discipline and shows the way to success for many of our young adults that saw only a dead end to which their talent could go. Having a show to market their talent is in plain fact, extremely marketable to our youth, since music makes up such a large part of their lives. Special invited guests ... Chill Moody, Sterling Simms, and Chris (chris and neef)!
Common Ground Entertainment
Jacqueline McLeod
Nyisha Chapman (PR)267-688-2808
Jacqueline McLeod
Nyisha Chapman (PR)267-688-2808
