Better Management Systems Launches Spanish Website

Latin America has become a major player in the self storage industry. Better Management Systems is becoming a company to fill all needs in these ever changing times.

Coral Springs, FL, July 27, 2012 --( In an ever growing industry such as self storage, being a versatile company is an integral part of growth and overall sustainability. The Latin community has become a major player in the storage industry mostly dominated by North American Companies.

In recognition of this, Better Management Systems is excited to announce the launch of its fully integrated Spanish language web site. Now available in both English and Spanish. The company's website is now better situated to reach and speak to its many Latin American customers. Better Management Systems is a full service Self Storage Management and consulting organization assisting self storage customers worldwide from A to Z.

Better Management Systems first began working on international projects in Sao Paulo, Brazil in 2004. At the request of a US-based resident client, the goal was to bring American style self storage and adapt it to the local Brazilian culture. Better Management Systems was given the opportunity to convert an existing structure and integrate all the latest technology and products from the US while maintaining the feel and flavor of the Brazilian influence.

While interacting with local architects, lawyers, marketing experts and operators Better Management Systems formulated a model for which the company could take the knowledge of the cultural environment and wrap that around an established expertise in self storage development and operations. The success of this project allowed Better Management Systems to adapt this model to any region of the world.

Once a client has decided to join the self storage industry and proceed with the development and construction of a self storage project. It is very advisable to have on board an industry expert that can help you to avoid making costly "first timer" mistakes. (It is better to take an eraser to the project than a back hoe or bulldozer).

Though many clients are based in the US, through relationships and contacts overseas they desire instituting US style self storage in foreign locations. As an ever evolving industry full of diversity and as a global necessity, Better Management Systems has become a company to fill all needs in our ever changing times.
Better Management Systems
David Blum
Along with an extensive client list in Florida, Mr. Blum is currently working on or completed projects in many other areas of the US and internationally.