YOUniversal Results - Self Improvement Company with an Edge

YOUniversal Results is not like most Self Improvement and Motivational Training companies. YOUniversal Results helps people reach their goals through education, motivation, behavioral changes and support. The difference is that YOUniversal Results does this with an emphasis on getting MAD; Motivated, Active and Determined. The responsibility and accountability for success is placed firmly on the individual. This is not for the faint of heart.

Hampstead, NH, June 25, 2007 --( YOUniversal Results ( is a rising star in the saturated, fluff-filled self improvement and personal development marketplace. Darrin Nicoli, the founder and director of YOUniversal Results has been studying the mindset and actions of successful people throughout his life and became disgusted with the self improvement "gurus" and companies that are making a mockery of the field. After growing tired of personal development and self improvement training programs becoming no more than commercials to buy the next product and never delivering on outlandish promises, Darrin Nicoli founded YOUniversal Results.

The company offers no-nonsense, substance filled comprehensive training programs that deliver on their promise to help individuals reach their potential and live the lives they desire. The difference is that the philosophy, programs and promises made by YOUniversal Results are realistic. If individuals are looking for a quick fix, and "easy" way out, or expect to be coddled and sing "kumbaya" until their life changes, they've come to the wrong place.

YOUniversal Results places the responsibilty and accountability for success squarely on the individual; no excuses, no rationalization and no one else to blame. This company shows individuals the path to success, in all areas of life, through Education, Behavioral Change, Motivation and Support and provides all in its comprehensive programs and member site. If you are tired of the empty promises and never ending sales pitches, check out a self improvement company with an edge. YOUniversal Results.

YOUniversal Results
Darrin Nicoli
(781) 603-2776