Online Website & Ecommerce Success is All in the Measurement

West Lothian based Internet Marketing Company Com.Motion Consulting warns businesses that if they aren’t measuring their Internet Marketing activity they are probably wasting their money online.

Edinburgh, United Kingdom, June 27, 2007 --( They say that in order to succeed on the web, ecommerce websites and online entrepreneurs must monitor and measure their Internet marketing endeavours in order to get a true reflection of their return on investment.

For example, one of their clients West Lothian Based online hair and beauty company, The Funky Group has announced a record turnover in the Month of May of over £120,000, due mainly to the online marketing programmes implemented, managed and measured by Com.Motion. The company is now on course to reach £1 million in turnover which has been achieved purely through successful online marketing and measurement.

Chris Jack, Managing Director of the Funky Group said, “We have worked with Com.Motion to implement the necessary tracking scripts into our website that allow us to monitor the performance of the online campaigns we undertake. Quite simply, we could not continue to run our online marketing campaigns without detailed analysis and measurement as it provides a clear return on our investment. We can track all sales and identify exactly where these are coming from. The beauty of this analysis is that we can act quickly – increasing our marketing spend for the top performing online channels and removing spend from the poor performing areas.”

Website tracking or analytical tracking is not new but it is something that many business websites and ecommerce websites have not implemented. This is strange according to Kate Little, Director, Com.Motion, “With all of our clients no matter what service we provide, as a pre-requisite we install the necessary website tracking scripts that allow us to measure the programs we implement. This provides our clients with instant access to their data through secure online logins. Our clients trust us because they know that they can login anytime to see the reports themselves. There are some fantastic web analytical tracking solutions out there and one of the best is Google Analytics which is free so there really is no excuse not to do it.”

Mrs Little and her fellow director John Cavanagh set-up Com.Motion in February 2006 after three years working as E-business Advisers at the Business Gateway. “Com.Motion offers a range of Internet marketing Services and”, as Kate continues, “these services have to be measured. Knowing that your Pay Per Click campaign, organic search engine optimisation or affiliate programs are delivering for you, and working out the return on investment from them, is a must to succeed in today’s online market. Failure to do so is just throwing your hard earned money and sending your online marketing budget down the drain.”

Com.Motion Consulting
John Cavanagh
0131 202 6345