New Sixties-Era Novel Succession is Receiving Rave Reviews from Readers, Bloggers and Magazines

LFOD Books announces that Succession, the new novel by Harper Prize-winner Herbert Lobsenz is receiving rave reviews from print sources such Kirkus and Foreword Clarion, bloggers such as the 60s Official Site, and from readers at and

Fairfield, CT, August 11, 2012 --( The time is 1963; the place, Manhattan. To pay his dying father’s hospital bills, ex-Army Ranger Jake Garrison must accept another company downsizing assignment. Expert at the job, he hates the pain, and this time the target is the iconic Kensington Typewriter Company. Worse, the paymaster will be “vulture capitalist” Charles Carnusty, whom Garrison suspects of seducing his wife, Diana.

Diana is a top executive at Colepool Publishers, another nineteenth century icon. Colepool recently made the mistake of going public and is beginning to feel twentieth century financial pressures. And Diana blames Garrison for failing to make her pregnant.

As Garrison turns over the necessary stones inside Kensington, he uncovers a cast of executives, workers and spouses who have given their careers to a company that allowed itself to become trapped in a doomed technology.

Diana becomes more frigid; their circle of her literary and artistic friends, all pursuing their own versions of the 1960s American dream, turn distant and hostile.

Racism, feminism, poverty, corporate outsourcing, the line between vulture and venture capitalism all come into focus as President Kennedy is gunned down in Dallas and Kitty Genovese is stabbed to death in Kew Gardens. When Diana unexpectedly becomes pregnant, Garrison is convinced he is not the father.

An abrasive look at the era of “Mad Men,” Succession’s cast of vividly drawn characters speak a dialogue one reviewer calls “laced with testosterone in a novel whose every page has a distinctive, almost uncomfortable realism.”

"Succession" is Lobsenz's second novel. His first was the Harper Prize winning and best selling "Vangel Griffin."

Book Information:
Author: Herbert Lobsenz
Publisher: LFOD Books
ISBN: 978-1463632892
Pages: 324
Published: November 2011

About The Author
Herbert Lobsenz's first novel, the best-selling Vangel Griffin, won the Harper Prize for fiction. His short fiction has appeared in The Paris Review, The Antioch Review, Mademoiselle, the Noble Savage and other publications. His third novel, Winterside's Wanderyear, will be published in November 2012.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact:

Succession is available for purchase in print or Kindle version from, and from and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Baker and Taylor or Ingram for wholesale orders.
Herbert Lobsenz
706 509 8422