Book Parade! with Richard, a New Television Show to Help Book Authors Sell More Books, Get More Visibility and Recognition

Attention all book authors, experts and business professionals! from Executive Coach Richard Wills comes an inventive, new television talk show where you can tell a book by its cover. Book authors get an unprecedented opportunity to promote themselves as well as their book and tell why their book really matters when it comes to providing solutions to everyday challenges.

Los Angeles, CA, August 14, 2012 --( Book Parade! with Richard, is a weekly program that promises to bring recognition and visibility to book authors who are charismatic and can provide solutions to life’s challenges through their work. On each show, unknown as well as renown authors are given the chance to let the world know about their book, revealing the who, what, when, where and why about themselves and their work.

In addition to book authors, the show is a powerful educational network where experts and business professionals from high-tech to biosciences, and everything in between, get their chance in the spotlight to tell their story, and why their profession matters. This is an excellent mouthpiece for book authors and professionals who are looking for a resourceful medium to promote who they are and what they do.

Richard Wills, host and producer of the show stated, “Whether you’re an established author with a major book publisher, or a self-published author with copies of your books collecting dust somewhere, and you’re looking for additional exposure and visibility… if you feel you have a powerful book that’s deserves recognition, then Book Parade! with Richard Wills is for you.”

The show is interested in book authors, experts and business professionals who have solutions to life's challenges, books that make people want to read and substance viewers can use. In addition to local authors and professionals, guests from around the world are expected to join the lineup in the coming season.

For additional information and to find out the benefits this show provides for their guests, visit the official website at Also feel free to contact Mr. Wills at 626.398.7450 or via email,

About: Richard Wills, creator, host and producer of Book Parade! With Richard Wills television show, is an author, coach, keynote speaker, and CEO of the National Stress and Anxiety Prevention Center, a community-based social and educational organization. The show is produced by Rich Reelz Entertainment.

Book Parade! with Richard Wills is a community access television program based and produced in Los Angeles County, in Pasadena, California, in partnership with Pasadena Community Network (PCN). This community is home to many of Southern California’s top corporate executives and most successful entrepreneurs.
Book Parade TV
Richard Wills