"Evil Deeds," a Film by Lewis Long a Virgina Native to be Released on DVD at imoovie

Imoovie has announced that it will be the exclusive distributor of “Evil Deeds,” an in your face thriller, by Lewis Long III, the filmmaker from Woodbridge, VA.

Fairfax, VA, July 01, 2007 --(PR.com)-- Imoovie.com has announced that it will be the exclusive distributor of “Evil Deeds”, an in your face thriller, by Lewis Long III, the filmmaker from Woodbridge, VA. “Evil Deeds” is the story of Hun Carlson, a wealthy farm owner, who has just lost his wife, Diane Carlson, to a horrific and very suspicious accident. After a year of mourning, Hunt feels the need to move on with his life and unexpectedly marries his high-school sweetheart, Karen Smith. Unbeknownst to Hunt, Karen, was "let go" from her high-paying investment-banker position, because of her possible involvement with tax fraud and embezzlement. As the plot changes and twist are revealed it forces the Carlson family and their associates into complete and utter chaos.
With this kind of filmmaking, imoovie.com sat down with Lewis Long to find out how he started in filmmaking.

Here are some excerpts from the interview:

What influenced you to become a filmmaker?
"My primary influence towards beginning my filmmaking career came from my mother, Shirley. While I was growing up, she and I would watch countless Hitchcock and other suspense movies from the 40's, 50's and 60's. I was influenced by the way Hitchcock and other directors built up the suspense and kept the audiences guessing throughout the whole movie. Actor and actress-wise, I was influenced by strong leading ladies such as Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Cary Grant and James Stewart."

A lot of filmmakers want to make film, but money is always a concern. What was the budget of Evil Deeds and how did you finance the film?
"The budget for Evil Deeds was around $10,000, and was secured through friends and relatives."

How did you create an atmosphere for the characters/actors in the film?
"To try and create the perfect atmosphere I tried to find locations that were comfortable for the actors, so that they could feel “more at home". I also let the actors improvise anything they wanted, as long as it stayed within the confines of the story. They knew that I not only trusted their visions of the character, but I was also willing to change my prior vision of the character if it made the movie better."

Where was the film shot?
"The film was primarily shot in Virginia, Maryland and Washington, DC. Most of the house interiors were shot at Jolanda Janczewski’s house (Karen in the movie). Jolanda also happened to own a farm, which enabled us to shoot all of the barn scenes there. The restaurant scene was shot on location in Washington, DC."

Tell us about the editing process. What was left on the cutting room floor?
"After putting the entire movie together, it ran about two hours long. I deleted four scenes for different reasons. I deleted two scenes because the audio quality wasn't that good. It became apparent that no matter what I did with the audio, it just wasn't going to get any better. The other two scenes were deleted because they not only slowed down the movie, but they were also repetitive in the narration of the story."

Any final thoughts?
"Finally, I would like to state that the entire filmmaking process, from script to distribution, was definitely worthwhile. I look back now and realize the many mistakes I made, but since it was my first movie, they were mostly unavoidable. I am currently in pre-production for my next movie, which will be shot in HD. I am hopeful that I will be able to take my previous experiences from Evil Deeds, and apply them to making my next feature even more successful."

As they do with all of the filmmakers, Imoovie.com, are dedicated to ensuring they have a large selection of titles to meet the different taste of its customers. These exclusive titles are imoovie’s way of meeting that need. Imoovie.com has been aggressively working with independent filmmakers like Lewis and film festivals to ensure the most sought after movies are made available to the public. “Our commitment has long been to the customer”, said a spokesperson for the company. This commitment to the independent film customer is and always be the focus.

Mike Brown