Heather T. Forbes to Present Parent Training in Houston

Houston, TX, September 07, 2012 --(PR.com)-- On Saturday, October 6th, 2012, Heather T. Forbes, LCSW, founder of the Beyond Consequences Institute and internationally published author, is excited to present in Houston,TX. Forbes, an authority on raising children with difficult and severe behaviors and self-development, is conducting her Beyond Consequences Live! training event to share the new parenting paradigm found in her books, Beyond Consequences, Logic, and Control, Volumes 1 and 2, and Dare to Love. Drawing from a wealth of research, clinical and personal experience, Forbes is a captivating speaker. This multimedia presentation of groundbreaking parenting techniques, interspersed with role playing demonstrations, makes the concepts come alive. You will learn how to connect with even the most difficult child, how fear fuels a child’s behavior, and how unconditional love is the answer.

“If you’ve tried using logic, consequences, behavior modification, yelling and isolation with your children, all to find out that it didn’t work, or even made things worse, then you know what it is like to find yourself beyond your window of tolerance. This parent training can change all of that. I know from professional experience, and more importantly, from personal experience with two adopted children, that the Beyond Consequences approach works. This parent training is a gift of healing to you and I hope you will join me,” says Forbes.

"I brought five families to the training. I wish I could have brought five hundred families. This message needs to get out. It will change our nation one family at a time as we change our parenting paradigm."
- Kathy Rogers, LCSW, Dallas TX

"I read 'Beyond Consequences' before, but attending the conference helped the information become personal for me. I was able to put the strategies into a framework that I can apply to my family dynamics. I finally feel empowered to heal my family!" - Parent, San Diego, CA

"After reading 'Beyond Consequences' Volume 1 and putting many of these ideas into action, we watched our adopted Russian son (adopted at 3 years old, now 16) finally become a member of the family! The changes were astronomical! I actually signed up a couple of months ago and even considered not coming to the event today because things are so much better in our home. My husband, however, decided that he really wanted and needed to be here. It has been wonderful for both of us! Thank you!" -Parent, St. Louis, MO

Forbes passionately supports families by bridging the gap between ideas, theories and providing “When the rubber hits the road,” parent training. She will inspire you to believe. She will empower you with a vision of unconditional love in action that can heal you, your child and your family. At the end of the day, your faith and hope in love will be rekindled, and you will Dare to Love yourself and your children unconditionally because Love Never Fails!

This day of training is free with a copy of Beyond Consequences, Logic and Control, Volume 1 or Volume 2 or Dare to Love. Your book is your coupon for free admission for you and your partner or a support person.

Saturday, October 6, 2012
Register for Free at: www.BeyondConsequencesLive.com
Ezperanza School
1100 Roy Street
Houston, Texas 77007
Beyond Consequences Institute
Heather Forbes
1630A 30th St. #488
Boulder, CO 80301