Wishbulb Gamifies Signups; Lets Users and Businesses Decide the Launch City

Wishbulb empowers communities to exchange knowledge, skills, and culture with the help of its users and local businesses.

San Diego, CA, September 07, 2012 --(PR.com)-- In an effort to gear up for its stealth launch, Wishbulb is deploying a gamified sign up system that pits cities in the U.S. against each other. While most geo-based web and mobile applications launch in predetermined beta or test cities, Wishbulb is empowering users and local businesses by giving them full reign on which city Wishbulb will first launch by assigning points to each city for every user or business sign up and social media share.

“This is a win-win for us and our end users,” says Co-Founder Aadit Patel. “Using a gamification strategy, we’re able to find out which cities most actively want to utilize our platform. From here we can gather crucial insight from our initial users to improve the quality of our product for a national launch.” Currently, there is a battle at the top between San Diego, Houston and Los Angeles.

The signup strategy discovers the largest interested user base prior to beta launch, creating an opportunity for immediate impact and interaction between users looking to learn and teach a variety of skills once Wishbulb launches. It specifically pinpoints which cities have garnered enough interest to maintain a free-flowing marketplace that will provide a better experience for each user, and ultimately allows the team to identify which cities are engaged enough to sustain the product post-launch.

Wishbulb aims to launch in all 15 pre-selected cities by early 2013 and nationwide soon after.

Check out Wishbulb

Website: http://wishbulb.com/
Blog: http://wishbulb.com/blog
Facebook: http://facebook.com/wishbulb
Twitter: http://twitter.com/wishbulb

About Wishbulb

Wishbulb is an online community allowing people to learn new skills or teach ones that they have already mastered. Simply post a listing for something you'd like to learn, and let experts get in touch with you. Alternatively, create a listing for a skill that you'd like to share and connect with people who'd love to learn from you.

Wishbulb is a great platform to learn things you wish you knew, make extra cash teaching skills you have mastered, and meet new and exciting people in your community.
Anand Patel