Author Shares His Journey from a Tough Neighborhood to an Elite Boarding School

Author, L.T. Woody is pleased to announce his new book, IN BLACK IN WHITE. It is a "true story," and makes a fine inspirational gift for any young person looking to succeed. The book is readily available in both paperbook and as an ebook.

Philadelphia, PA, September 22, 2012 --( Among several other themes, IN BLACK IN WHITE (paperback, ebook) looks at the idea of nature versus nurture. It's the true story of the "two educations" of a black youth; an education derived from attendance in the Baltimore City Public Schools (and surviving that city's streets); and an education acquired from time spent inside the ivy-covered Halls of St. Paul's School in Concord, New Hampshire, one of the finest boarding schools in America, living and learning daily among some of the most privileged youth in this country. The outcome is anything but certain. Both places have the potential for chewing a body to bits; both places inhabited by some good and not-so-good people. In Black In White is a story about coming-of-age, forging relationships, success and failure, life, death, redemption and moving on. It examines the value of a first rate education and provides an intimate glimpse into two very different worlds; which in the final analysis may not be all that different.

Book Information:
In Black In White
Author: L.T. Woody
Publisher: CreateSpace
ISBN: 978-1470144340
Pages: 432
Published: March 2012

About The Author:
L.T. (Larry) Woody grew up in Baltimore, MD in the very tough neighborhood of Harlem Park, and attended the Baltimore City Public Schools. At age 13, he received an academic scholarship to attend the elite St. Paul's School in Concord, NH. IN BLACK IN WHITE is his coming-of-age story, an intimate glimpse into two very different worlds. Woody's journey from the tough streets of West Baltimore to the ivy-covered Halls of a New England boarding school is a survival guide for young people seeking something better. L.T. Woody received a B.S. degree from Temple University. Currently, Mr. Woody works for the Focus on Fathers Program, which is an initiative to get fathers more involved in the process of parenting their children. He resides in Philadelphia, PA with his son, Colin.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact:
L.T. Woody
In Black In White is available for purchase in paperback and ebook online through the author's website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.
L.T. Woody
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