Introducing "In Search of Our Origins" – a Book with Unusual Claims

A new research based book displayed at Combined Book Exhibit, Frankfurt Book Fair, October 10 – 14, 2012, claims from the study of Quran that life arose on earth out of Clay crystals, and that Adam and Eve were born 59000 years ago from an existing female of a species different from modern humans.

Frankfurt, Germany, October 12, 2012 --( Combining the study of Arabic word roots and evolving scientific models, the book ‘In Search of Our Origins’ presents support from the Quran, for British scientist Cairns Smith’s Clay Crystal Theory for Life’s Origin. The book claims that life arose in a small pond on a hilly terrain with the help of Clay crystals, during the early rain cycles, and remained in unicellular state for a long period. Later, it was this life that underwent guided evolution.

The book further claims that around 120 thousand years ago, a species with a body plan similar to humans, came into existence. Later, about fifty nine thousand years ago, from a female of this species, the first human pair of Adam and Eve with superior intellect, was created.

Using standard works of Arabic grammarians, Jamshed Akhtar, the author-researcher claims that the first human pair was protected in the initial years, gifted with the ability to communicate, and was given a basic structure of a language that later transmuted into all the different languages of the world as we know them.

On 20th September 2012, in a talk entitled ‘A Scientific Solution of Islamophobia’, organized jointly by Institute of Objective Studies (IOS), a premiere Indian Muslim organization, and India Islamic Cultural Centre (IICC) New Delhi, Jamshed Akhtar presented a 'mechanism' for verification of the data presented in his book, based on information theory precepts.

Dr Manzoor Alam, Chairman of IOS said that Jamshed Akhtar’s work is a "revolution on revelations" and is expected to have far reaching effect on the intellectual world. Wasi Nomani, Secretary of India Islamic Culture Centre, and himself a scholar of Quran, called it a fresh perspective on revelations that needed to be put before the scientific world for debate and consensus.

Published by ‘Oriole Book Publishers’ (ISBN-1456335677), and printed and bound by CreateSpace in USA, ‘In Search of Our Origins’ is globally available through Createspace Store, all branches of and other leading Stores.

‘In Search of Our Origins’ is the second book of the 65 year old Jamshed Akhtar, who is involved in the study of Quran for the last twenty seven years. His previous book 'The Ultimate Revelations' was a science fiction centred on Quran. His third book ‘Origin and fate of Universe’ is in the pre-publication stage.

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