Campaigning for Canada Begins, Canadian Political Parties Seek Voice-Overs

On November 29th, Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin announced the January 23rd, 2006 Federal Election date. As campaigning begins this week across Canada, the Liberals, Conservatives, New Democrats, the Bloc, and the Green Party are recruiting professional voice talents to represent their organizations and spread their political messages on television, radio commercials, and podcasts – voice professionals that they are finding at, the voice-over marketplace.

Toronto, Canada, November 30, 2005 --( InteractiveVoices, (, the voice-over marketplace, is home to an enormous number of Canadian voice-over talent, many of whom will be hired to represent political parties during the 8 week campaign leading up to the federal election, helping to set the desired tone for political campaigns and using their voices to persuade the electorate to vote for the party that they are providing voice-overs services for. The primary hopefuls running for election are: Paul Martin, the current Prime Minister of Canada and leader of the Liberal Party, Stephen Harper, current leader of the Official Opposition and the Conservative Party, Gilles Duceppe, leader of the Bloc Québécois, and Jack Layton, leader of the New Democratic Party.

Typically, voice-overs for political campaigns are chosen carefully with the objectives of instilling trust, camaraderie, and, over the course of the campaign, to successfully persuade the voter to concur with the values and mission of the political party. Often times, the advertising for political campaigns will highlight what the party will do to change the political landscape and how they intend to make a difference in the lives of those that they are marketing to, whether concerns are related to healthcare, taxes, education, national unity, and so on.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) recently released their Top 10 list of issues that are most important to Canadians, particularly when going to the polls. The addressing of these issues will no doubt manifest themselves strategically through the broadcast and podcasting mediums, incorporating voice-overs. Although the majority of Canadians speak either English or French, Canada is composed of numerous cultures and languages. Canadians reported more than 100 languages in completing the 2001 census question on mother tongue. The list includes languages long associated with immigration to Canada: German, Italian, Ukrainian, Dutch, Polish, and so on. However, between 1996 and 2001, language groups from Asia and the Middle East again recorded the largest gains. These primarily include Chinese, Punjabi, Arabic, Urdu, Tagalog and Tamil. Of these languages, the Chinese language has now become the third most spoken language in Canada to date. (Source, Statistics Canada).

In 2001, allophones represented 18.0% of the population, up from 16.6% in 1996. Francophones represented 22.9%, down from 23.5%. Anglophones accounted for 59.1%, down from 59.8%. Almost 5,335,000 individuals, about one out of every six people, were allophones, that is, they reported having a mother tongue other than English or French. This was an increase of 12.5% from 1996, three times the growth rate of 4.0% for the population as a whole (Source, Statistics Canada).

When considering the multicultural state of Canada and the needs of the Canadian people, political parties running for election will benefit by studying the following list compiled by, a Canadian company, written in the wake of the federal election. These five points, that when implemented properly, hold several of the keys required to secure votes on January 23rd.

What does a good political voice-over campaign consist of?
1. Clear Pronunciation
2. Confidence
3. Trust
4. Sensitivity
5. Multilingual (English, French, and other languages particular to each riding)

Interactive Voices CEO, David Ciccarelli says, “We understand that political parties are in need of voice-overs, especially with an election date set for January. We promise to give their projects expedited service and provide impeccable voice-over talents, some of whom may even live in their own ridings.”

Politicians and campaign managers can post a voice-over job easily and for free at Politicians can call InteractiveVoices toll-free to post their job over the phone at 1-888-359-3472. All political campaign voice-over job postings will receive Express service free of charge to ensure that their message is recorded as soon as possible for their election campaign.

Find voice-over talents that speak English, French Canadian, and those whose mother tongues reflect the many languages of Canadians at

About InteractiveVoices

Based in London, ON Canada, InteractiveVoices is an online marketplace, facilitating transactions between business clients and voiceover professionals, employing a comprehensive suite of web-based services. Clients that have worked at InteractiveVoices include NBC, ESPN, PBS, The History Channel, Reader’s Digest, Olay, L’Oreal, Comcast, Nortel Networks, Bell Canada, Microsoft, Cisco Systems, ING, Western Union, Ford, GM, Jaguar, Firestone Tires, American Airlines, the US Army, the US Government and many more.

Interactive Voices
David Ciccarelli
The World's #1 Voice Over Website