Restore Fairness to the Alimony Award System in the U.S.
How Paying Spouses Can Change the U.S. Court System Views of Non Working Spouses and without Their Consent
Austin, TX, July 12, 2007 --( The earnings potential of a dependent spouse is often haphazardly determined without proof or analysis and with no regard to job opportunities. Now it is possible for a paying spouse to change that, to bring about a more fair determination of alimony awarded through the U.S. court system, and save themselves thousands in the process - all without the consent of the dependent spouse.
The collaboration of paying spouses, their attorneys and an innovative product developed by Hard Money Solutions, LLC, provides the U.S. court system with current and accurate data to consider when awarding spousal support or alimony. When used in court to supplement their case, this product, called an Earning Analysis and Job Placement Report, presents and proves the true earning potential of a non working spouse thereby drastically decreasing high alimony awards and severely reducing the financial burden of the paying spouse. Together, all of these can work to restore fairness to the alimony award system currently in use in the United States.
This new standard is expected to bring about positive change for both paying spouses and those in need of financial help. In the long term, it may also help the economy by connecting more employers with qualified workers. As usage grows, the United States court system will have no choice but to reconsider its current policy of awarding alimony.
The inclusion of this expertly prepared report is changing the face of alimony because of its ability to bring current labor market information into today's court room. When used correctly, the Earnings Analysis and Job Placement Report frequently results in award savings of up to 50% or more for paying spouses. Lawyers all over the country have overwhelmingly embraced this invaluable tool and the number of requests is growing every day. It is also noted that the dependent spouse need not be in agreement as information on their educational and vocational experience can still be provided through the Earnings Analysis and Job Placement Report.
The collaboration of paying spouses, their attorneys and an innovative product developed by Hard Money Solutions, LLC, provides the U.S. court system with current and accurate data to consider when awarding spousal support or alimony. When used in court to supplement their case, this product, called an Earning Analysis and Job Placement Report, presents and proves the true earning potential of a non working spouse thereby drastically decreasing high alimony awards and severely reducing the financial burden of the paying spouse. Together, all of these can work to restore fairness to the alimony award system currently in use in the United States.
This new standard is expected to bring about positive change for both paying spouses and those in need of financial help. In the long term, it may also help the economy by connecting more employers with qualified workers. As usage grows, the United States court system will have no choice but to reconsider its current policy of awarding alimony.
The inclusion of this expertly prepared report is changing the face of alimony because of its ability to bring current labor market information into today's court room. When used correctly, the Earnings Analysis and Job Placement Report frequently results in award savings of up to 50% or more for paying spouses. Lawyers all over the country have overwhelmingly embraced this invaluable tool and the number of requests is growing every day. It is also noted that the dependent spouse need not be in agreement as information on their educational and vocational experience can still be provided through the Earnings Analysis and Job Placement Report.
Hard Money Solutions, LLC
Scott Morris
Scott Morris