New Contemporary Fiction Novel Centered Around the Issue of Homelessness Now Available

Author, L.M. Henderson is pleased to announce the release of her new book, The Interview. This work is a contemporary fiction novel focusing on the issue of homelessness.

San Francisco, CA, October 26, 2012 --( Two sisters from the same family are as different as night and day. Dorothy is the prim and proper one, and Ruth is more laid-back and easygoing. As they grow up, their relationship gets more uncomfortable and strained. As the story unfolds, all aspects of the sisters' relationship comes to a dramatic and emotional end.

Ruth has a daughter from a failed marriage, and Dorothy takes the sick child home with her to nurse her to health and then moves away without telling Ruth. Ruth stays in New York to find work; when she can't locate her sister and daughter, she becomes frantic. Without a job, she soon falls into the homeless way of life. Ruth befriends a wonderful and helpful group of homeless people and soon calls them family.

However, no bad deed goes unpunished.

The Interview includes a variety of wonderful characters. The story shows the reader different types of people who become homeless. They are sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, and the list goes on. Every kind of emotion is held within the pages of this novel. All aspects of the sisters' relationship comes to a beautiful, dramatic and emotional end. This is a story readers won't soon forget.

Available in both print and ebook versions.

Book Information:
The Interview
Author: L.M. Henderson
Publisher: Balboa Press
ISBN: 978-1452540900
Pages: 568
Published: February 2012

About The Author:
L.M. Henderson has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area all her life. She and her late husband were involved in little theatre throughout their marriage. He was an actor, and Linda was a singer. They have two children and six grandchildren. She and her husband traveled to many places and enjoyed the different cultures.

For more information, review copies, or interviews please contact the author at:

L.M. Henderson

The Interview is available for purchase online through the author’s website, from the publisher,, and other online retailers. Bookstores should contact Ingram for wholesale orders.
L.M. Henderson