Aruspex Report Offers Insights, Best Practices in Strategic Workforce Planning

"The Gap Between Needing and Doing" draws from survey of C-level executives, corporate strategists and HR executives

San Francisco, CA, July 14, 2007 --( Many organizations fail to understand the role of strategic workforce planning, which keeps them from taking action even though they realize the need to plan ahead for workforce shortages. That's the chief finding of a recent Aruspex survey that polled C-level executives, corporate strategists and HR executives.

The resulting research report is titled, "The Gap Between Needing and Doing: A Survey on Why Some Companies Don't Act on Strategic Workforce Planning Needs, and How Successful Companies Do." The free report is available from Aruspex, a strategic workforce planning firm that serves some of the world's biggest companies, at the following link:

The research report includes:

- The primary demographic and other factors affecting today's workforce
- The top workforce planning challenges
- Common barriers to strategic workforce planning
- Best practices in workforce planning
- How HR fits into the workforce planning process

"Companies have often misunderstood the role, scope and benefits of workforce planning and typically feel reluctant or unqualified to begin," says Tess Walton, co-founder of Aruspex.

Strategic workforce planning ensures that people strategies will match an organization's strategic plan, she explains, exploring alternate futures based on internal and external factors like demographics, business strategies and global trends. A holistic process, strategic planning usually looks 3-5 years into the future – as opposed to operational workforce planning, which predicts the staffing requirements for shorter term goals and objectives.

"This report confirms that the world's leading companies are no longer settling for a basic 12-month staffing plan," notes Stacy Chapman, Aruspex co-founder. "Instead, they are seeking a long-term view that incorporates external trends such as workforce aging, and accesses talent pools in a new and strategic way."

About Aruspex

Aruspex delivers strategic workforce planning solutions that help organizations design and attain their future workforce. Their intuitive CAPTure planning software goes beyond simple reporting; it analyzes internal and external demographic trends, identifies future workforce gaps and guides executives and HR professionals to solve different scenarios. The Aruspex model was developed through years of practical experience, and we are passionate about workforce planning. For more information, visit

Media Contacts

Stacy Chapman & Tess Walton, Aruspex
stacy_chapman [at] aruspex [dot] com
tess_walton [at] aruspex [dot] com

Stacy Chapman